luthermusic store very messy?

talk about squeeze. no one can beat guitar connection man... :)

haha... i think all the guitar shop owners should take a look at these post and consider these points in their next reno.
I've always felt that Swee Lee caters to the "looks and brand more important than feel and sound" people. The people who walk in with the idea in mind "I wanna buy a Gibson Les Paul and that's that". Or the kids who tell their rich daddies "Dad I want a Fender Strat".

So they sell to people who don't really try out stuff. Just go in with what they want in mind, pick it up, make sure its working, then buy.

Luther and the others cater to the players who have more experience and are more open minded. "Hmm I want this tone, dunno which guitar can get it. Maybe I'll try this... Or this... Or this... Hey this 2nd hand one sounds awesome! I'll take it!" As opposed to "MY PEAVY BANDIT ROXORS ALL YOUR BALLS OFF!!!!1111 GIBSON ROXXXXX1!!!11 SAMICK GUITARS ALLLLLL SUCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!111 BOSS ROXXX!!!!!11111"

I've heard Gibsons that suck total ass. And I've heard Samicks that blow my mind. Please keep an open mind people, and try before you buy.
reallly want an axe 2 fit yr needs....custom build for me...

Where did you get it custom made? I haven't explored that option much as I'm always worried I'll be unhappy with the end result. As opposed to trying out 20-100000 guitars till I find the one that suits me.
theblueark: haha i understand where u coming from, but not all of them are like that :) do not stereotype those unfriendly ones together with the friendly & helpful bunch.

my fren went to buy a bass at Swee Lee, then this quite big size malay ah bang damn good siah. he not onli tune it for my fren, he also show him certain way of playing that kinda bass guitar & how to config the tone to suit ur needs. damn nice guy!!
theblueark said:
reallly want an axe 2 fit yr needs....custom build for me...

Where did you get it custom made? I haven't explored that option much as I'm always worried I'll be unhappy with the end result. As opposed to trying out 20-100000 guitars till I find the one that suits me.

source the best parts, body, neck etc from personal favs Warmoth, WD music, Stewart McDonald, All Parts, Patrs is Parts & Guitars patrs online. Some carry top brand names too like seymo / Dimarz, fender etc..


Talk 2 yr favourite luthier to do it up for U...

As for me..I fixem up myself

fgl 8)
Hey ark nt all Gibbys are lousy =p haha anywayz i agree with ark. Nvr really liked swee lee, they over priced things and are for ppl to bring their dads and go Whoa COOL GUITAR.. Dad i want that one... and thn they buy it without really trying much. But then hey whatever floats your boat.

Personally if your not sure what you want try out everything a Gibson sure looks nice bt for all you know you might be a strat kinda guy.

Talkin abt custom guitars check out shamray. Russian hand made. Everything is customisable oOooOooo Drool......... :D
glad you liekd yours fgl, i nvr had a thing for diy kits although i read on forums ppl had great results, i like a set neck bt cant do that diy hah. Custom shops are still way too expensive for me so for now is try and buy.

post some pics of ur guitar man

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