
New member
My 2004 Fender CIJ '57RI Pbass in black with B/W/B pg and DR strings was left in the back of a cab by my friend last night. I don't think that there are that many of those (with the B/W/B) in Singapore, or at least I haven't seen any like them yet. Rockbag with soft interior, pliers+baybeats sticker in top front pocket and chords in bottom pocket. If anybody sees it out anywhere, please contact me at 90491231! I am going up to KL in 2 weeks' time and I really need this back badly. Gig bag has a "man on fire" pin on it.

If I don't get this by next week I may have to get that Hard Puncher at GC. :? All I can say is that I'm glad I haven't started modding it yet.

S/N: Q069773
Oh dude, that just plain sucks man! I hope whoever finds it decides to do the right thing and return it to you. Good luck!
Re: ..

Ya... called Comfort already, they said the earliest they can know is Monday because the NTUC place isn't open on weekends. :/

I got a Yammy BB414 as a quick backup and I'm pretty happy with it so far la... but I definitely miss my 1-piece maple neck mucho :( Thanks guys!
i lost two phones on cabs eachbrand new and within two weeks apart. Bloody cabbies claimed they never found a thing.

I hope you find your stuff bro, we all go down and tear down the bloody cab companies who believe that they deserve fee hikes when they have such bad service.
How come nobody mentioned passengers taking lost items quietly without the cabby's knowledge? :lol:

I notice that its usually the night-cabbies who check for the passengers if they leave anything behind, more than the day-time ones.
if its in the boot then the cab driver is being dishonest ah. coz ony the cabby can open d boot. my dad used to be a cabby. a very honest one. throughout his yrs of driving he never ever brought home a lost item. always sent it back or bring to lost and found. i noe this is nt wat u wana hear bt i tink ur bass is gone forever. unless u chk luthermusic's classifieds and suddenly see ur bass model being sold. i suggest u chk it out. nvr noe. it may b urs :wink:


Sorry to hear about this...may if you could post a reward of a couple of hundred dollars for the bass it might help it "appear" from the taxi pool (create some competition between any drivers who may have heard about it)...where to post it I don't know, presumably they don't operate out of a base like your small cab company. Still maybe an avenue worth exploring but you would want to do it quickly.

hope you get it back