looking for syth/keyboardist(hxc)....beginners and advance players are welcome :D


New member
we're looking for a syth/keyboardist...
the genre we would be playing are post-hardcore to hardcore... more to the hardcore side...
stuffs we would most likely we be playing are songs from....
blessthefall, thewordalive, thedevilswearsprada, askingalexandria, augestburnsred, texasinjuly, thecolurmorale, housevshurricane, infearandfaith , jamie's elsewhere, ofmice&men, scarykidsscaringkids, settlethesky , wecameasromans, etcetctec.... that kind of stuff...

please note this band's motto is to have FUN!FUN!FUN!
if at any point in tyme u feel like quiting or having a break(not too often)... it will be fine with us... :D
jamz would be on alternate weeks...(every week later sianz liao...later feel like as if ur working lol)

yes we would be doing gig's in the future(often if we're lucky) ...
looking for members in the age of 15-20... alil bit above also can XD dont worry XD
the members here are between the age of 15-19 XP

yea for more info plz email/add me at msn....
hakeru_katsumi@hotmail.com... (msn way better XD)

thanks for looking at this thread of mine XD!!
thanks bro/sis XP