Looking for Lead Guitarist and Keyboardist to join a casual Band:


Looking for Lead Guitarist and Keyboardist to join a casual Band:

Hi! We are a casual band playing english and chinese slow rock songs/pop songs just for fun. Some examples of our songs will be Mayday songs (五月天), Greenday, Muse, Taylor Swift, and many more etc etc.

We're looking for a Lead guitarist and a Keyboardist to play with us. We jam every 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month, from 5pm-8pm at a Central Location like City Hall. We rent a studio to jam and split the cost ($10-$20 each, usually below $15) for 3 hours session.

The keys of the songs will be set beforehand, so members can prepare well before the session.

We're looking for:
- Lead guitarist and Keyboardist
- Ages 20-35 (just an estimate)
- Available every 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month, from 5pm-8pm
- Willing to make the effort to prepare well before each session (familiarity with your parts and the songs' structure beforehand too).

*For keyboardist: preferably able to play any Strings/Orchestra parts or other instruments in the songs as well (with the studio's synthesizer)

If you're interested, please text me at 91517750, thank you!