Looking for soccer players!


New member
We are looking for sunday soccer players to fill in missing positions in our team. Mainly defenders and mid-fielders. If you think you have what it takes, text or call me at 8100 4295.
We are short of players at the moment.
We are looking for 3-4 more players!
We play all our games in the EAST of singapore every sunday at either 3pm or 5pm.
We have our own team jersey and we are a fun-loving group.
Want to be part of the family, come and try out with us!!!
Age group of the team mainly 17-20!!!
Now I'm at home! I only came to the Soft soccer kickabout for two reasons:
1) Get to meet Softies (and play soccer)
2) Near my school so I'm familiar with the area

Now its in the east bebeh! :mrgreen::mrgreen:
Wow! Soccer in Tampines! Sounds like a dream, I play at Bishan every Sunday now, but am thinking Tampines is right where I stay hmmm.. What kind of games is played? casual kickabouts / trainings, or friendly matches with /without referees?