Looking for Keyboardist to join a casual Band


Looking for Keyboardist to join a casual Band:

Hi! We are a casual band playing english and chinese slow rock songs/pop songs just for fun. Some examples of our songs will be Mayday songs (五月天), Greenday, Muse, Taylor Swift, and many more etc etc.

We're looking for a Keyboardist to play with us. We rent a studio to jam and split the cost ($10-$20 each, usually below $15) for 3 hours session. Location is City Hall, may change to Marymount (still trying out diff studios).

The keys of the songs will be set beforehand, so members can prepare well before the session.

We're looking for:
- Keyboardist
- Ages 20-35 (just an estimate)
- Available every 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month, from 5pm-8pm. And November onwards, adding on every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month, 7pm-9pm.
- Willing to prepare well before each session (familiarity with your parts and the songs' structure beforehand).

If you're interested, please text me at 91517750, thank you!