Looking for guitarist for a serious indon pop band...

chuck_chuck ska

New member
Hie there.. we are looking for talented guitarist who wanna join our indon pop band.. what we looking forward for this band is to achieve in recording and video clip in indonesia... the line up:

Sophie Pratam (satree garage production)

Band Mate:
Kidzer (Vocalist)- From Anugerah
Hisham (bassist)- From an unknown band but skillfull
Chuck (Drummer)- From A Local Hardcore band [fueled by agony]
Guitarist- ???
2nd Guitarist- ???
Keyboardist- ??? (optional)

Interested to Fill up the band, Do sms me at +65 8530 1422 (chuck) :twisted:

my age is 32 i'm, guitar player from rock,blues, jazz,pop and versatile to play any kind of music used to play in pub for crazy elephant, relief guitatrist for local group energy douglas o for 3 mth. music coordinator for ite clementi from 1998 till 2004. my name suhaimi by the way what genre ur looking at?