Looking for Guitarist (Epic/Prog Doom Metal)


New member
Female-fronted epic/prog doom metal band seeks guitarist to handle both lead and rhythm duties. Heavily influenced by Black Sabbath and Candlemass. The band plays in C# tuning (1.5 steps down for all strings). Call/text 98763485 if interested.
This is a warning to anyone considering playing with this musician, Antonio Lee.

I had contacted the user to try out for his band. We had played once three years ago and it didn't work out, but I thought I could give it another shot.

When I had learnt their songs, I asked for a time and date for a jam and said I would try to be available.

This got me a rant on whatsapp from the user's sister about how they were working and how I "owed them", followed by expletives.

I politely said I didn't want to play in their band, which got me more abuse and then I blocked the number on whatsapp.

Yesterday, I started getting abusive text messages from the user, which I blocked as well.

Then, this morning, I checked into soft and found that he had sent abusive and racist messages by soft pm as well.

And the messages don't stop, he keeps messaging.

Find it ridiculous and a bit alarming. What if this guy is some kind of psychopath who'll try to track me down or something?

I have heard a similar story from a friend of mine about this same guy, who would call up and just scream something over the phone. I think my friend even contacted the police, but I don't want to go through all that hassle.

It's funny, and a bit pathetic. Guy should get a life and not be racist.

Here are some of the messages he sent me, which I did not consider responding to.



Consider this a warning, Antonio. Keep this up, not only will no one want to play with you, I'm going to go to the cops with these messages and complain.
PS: Made the last post after a concerned samaritan asked me what happened. These were his thoughts on Antonio:

He is not a racist, he is an ego maniac and mad, he expect guitarist to follow his direction, he got small talent but that's all. you must make it public here in soft, don't let other brothers go through this shit. we are all made from God, we are all equal. Do the right thing bro, cheers~
Yesterday night I got calls from private numbers and bombarded by more messages. Here it is for posterity's sake.

Note the racism that keeps surfacing in his messages.

Also. do note that the band claims to be signed to some label, but take that with a pinch of salt. You won't see any money from it, I guarantee it. In fact, I know of no label that will sign people but not have them under a contract to release any material for years together after a demo that sold 100 copies.
Hey Jimmy,

Look here with your whining cuntface and stop making yourself look like you are completely faultless. Yeah we know that you wanna try playing for us again, despite failing 3 years ago *facepalms*

Let me recap for you what happened last month.

Look here:

1) To put it mildly, you were always throwing us last minute requests to jam. One time, you asked us to arrange a jam 3-4 days before your requested date - a public holiday which happened to be a very popular date for jamming. Lookie here it's Singapore eh and you jolly well book your room a week in advance to avoid dissapointment. (If you can't see a week in advance into your schedule, please forget about playing music here unless you have a home studio. Just stay and be happy being a bedroom wanker will ya?) All that said and to give you a fair chance of proving yourself again, I did try getting the room but it was not available. Nevermind, raincheck on that jam.

2) You had the cheek to request for another jam at short notice again, this time on a working weekday afternoon. Like 3pm on a Friday? Hey, do you expect us to take off from work at short notice, to play cricket with you? *Scoffs* so Antonio told you to stop clowning around and go fly your kite. And instead of apologizing on realising how self entitled, selfish and conceited you are, inconveniencing all 3 of us accommodate your fucking lowlife shift work schedule, you were so wise and went ahead to call Antonio a RETARD? You didn't see what you were going to get coming, did ya? You deserved what you got coming, Jimmy boy, so don't come whining to the community. Go back to your mama, pundeiiiiii

3) Portraying Antonio as the racist? Look who started the derogatory remarks about "working at Subway"? As a matter of fact, none of us actually work at Subway, nor do we have to. Unlike you and your ridiculous shift works. Sweat it out boy, your job is tougher, we understand.


You know why you haven't dare to call the cops? Because you were a willing participant in this back-and-forth crossfire exchange. Let's take a look at the nasties you have been sending my brother too, and dare I say, you've been enjoying it quite a bit, eh?


Fight it out like big boys, but i bet your balls are now shrinking.

Since that fateful day 3 years ago when you came unprepared for our jam with your guitar in the wrong tuning and your pathetic pitch-shifting modulating 3rd rate pre-amplifier. A country bumpkin fresh off the plane from India and you conveniently forgot to bring your universal AC adapter. What a joke. A bumbling, blithering, sweaty eejit. You are a mess that we don't need to fix. Your sloppy playing sucked 3 years ago and I doubt you have improved much since then. Trust me, I'm a music educator.

As for your claims that I sent you abusive messages via WhatsApp, proof please? I deleted your number the day I rejected your application, and I never wanted to contact, see, or be reminded of your person again. Because you were such a sloppy person both in your attitude and physical appearance that the very thought of you disgusts me. Sheesh stop wasting our time. You came to Singapore to work and contribute to our GDP. There's no doubt you're very good at it. Stick to doing that, quit mucking around the music scene or get back to where you once belong.

- You know who I am
Hey Jimmy,

Look here with your whining cuntface and stop making yourself look like you are completely faultless. Yeah we know that you wanna try playing for us again, despite failing 3 years ago *facepalms*

Let me recap for you what happened last month.

Look here:

1) To put it mildly, you were always throwing us last minute requests to jam. One time, you asked us to arrange a jam 3-4 days before your requested date - a public holiday which happened to be a very popular date for jamming. Lookie here it's Singapore eh and you jolly well book your room a week in advance to avoid dissapointment. (If you can't see a week in advance into your schedule, please forget about playing music here unless you have a home studio. Just stay and be happy being a bedroom wanker will ya?) All that said and to give you a fair chance of proving yourself again, I did try getting the room but it was not available. Nevermind, raincheck on that jam.

2) You had the cheek to request for another jam at short notice again, this time on a working weekday afternoon. Like 3pm on a Friday? Hey, do you expect us to take off from work at short notice, to play cricket with you? *Scoffs* so Antonio told you to stop clowning around and go fly your kite. And instead of apologizing on realising how self entitled, selfish and conceited you are, inconveniencing all 3 of us accommodate your fucking lowlife shift work schedule, you were so wise and went ahead to call Antonio a RETARD? You didn't see what you were going to get coming, did ya? You deserved what you got coming, Jimmy boy, so don't come whining to the community. Go back to your mama, pundeiiiiii

3) Portraying Antonio as the racist? Look who started the derogatory remarks about "working at Subway"? As a matter of fact, none of us actually work at Subway, nor do we have to. Unlike you and your ridiculous shift works. Sweat it out boy, your job is tougher, we understand.

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You know why you haven't dare to call the cops? Because you were a willing participant in this back-and-forth crossfire exchange. Let's take a look at the nasties you have been sending my brother too, and dare I say, you've been enjoying it quite a bit, eh?

View attachment 34844

Fight it out like big boys, but i bet your balls are now shrinking.

Since that fateful day 3 years ago when you came unprepared for our jam with your guitar in the wrong tuning and your pathetic pitch-shifting modulating 3rd rate pre-amplifier. A country bumpkin fresh off the plane from India and you conveniently forgot to bring your universal AC adapter. What a joke. A bumbling, blithering, sweaty eejit. You are a mess that we don't need to fix. Your sloppy playing sucked 3 years ago and I doubt you have improved much since then. Trust me, I'm a music educator.

As for your claims that I sent you abusive messages via WhatsApp, proof please? I deleted your number the day I rejected your application, and I never wanted to contact, see, or be reminded of your person again. Because you were such a sloppy person both in your attitude and physical appearance that the very thought of you disgusts me. Sheesh stop wasting our time. You came to Singapore to work and contribute to our GDP. There's no doubt you're very good at it. Stick to doing that, quit mucking around the music scene or get back to where you once belong.

- You know who I am

OK, based on your recollection of events: How is asking for a jam at short notice some kind of crime? I just asked you politely, and you started ranting and swearing at me. Telling me I owed you something. I told you then, I'll tell you again, I don't owe you shit. You keep on swearing and messaging. That can tell people what to think of your memory and ability to speak the truth. It also says the following things:
1) You're a bunch of no talent hacks that can't find musicians to play with because your egos are bigger than your talent. I'm playing with other bands and we get on just fine.
2) You're obviously badly brought up. Such language!
3) You have nothing better to do with your time than message little old me. Ooh, now I feel like the rockstar. You must be kicking and twisting and turning at night thinking about me. Nice!

So I didn't bring an adapter for your jam, shit happens. I love the fact that you remember me so much after three years. I try and try to remember your pathetic attempts to sing in E standard and guffaw before I can get it into my head.

PS: A Kemper is great. I'm sorry you weren't aware what it was then and what it is now.

I'm glad you have other jobs. The burger flipping thing is metaphorical. Do you understand, you simpleton you? Haha, I can picture Antonio getting all puffed up hahahaha :)

Sorry, guys, got to out a liar. He messaged again, check out the "White Man Worship" hahaha

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You have played into our hands, Jimmy boy! Speaking of talent, you're the least talented and most conceited I encountered. Go on and play on. Do your inferior music. Be my guest. It's your liberty to do so. Be forever inferior, Jimmy boy. Moreover, your upbringing is atrocious. Pot calling the kettle black? Take a good, hard look into the mirror, Jimmy boy! Remember, you're the one working lowlife jobs! Not us! We remember your failures because we were sane and sober. And we are. Do you need me to knock some sense into your drunken, oily head? Are you even sober? Or drunk on Kingfishers? Kalyani Black Labels? How many of them? 2? 4? 6?
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I have heard a similar story from a friend of mine about this same guy, who would call up and just scream something over the phone.

In your line of work must I say you are pretty much ace at digging the dirt up on companies. It's such a pity you didn't do your due diligence before you messed with us, Jimmy boy.
Speaking of white man worship, Jimmy boy was not diligent in his research. His people were colonised by the British yet he behaved like a beast. Unrefined.
OK, based on your recollection of events: How is asking for a jam at short notice some kind of crime? I just asked you politely, and you started ranting and swearing at me. Telling me I owed you something. I told you then, I'll tell you again, I don't owe you shit. You keep on swearing and messaging. That can tell people what to think of your memory and ability to speak the truth. It also says the following things:
1) You're a bunch of no talent hacks that can't find musicians to play with because your egos are bigger than your talent. I'm playing with other bands and we get on just fine.
2) You're obviously badly brought up. Such language!
3) You have nothing better to do with your time than message little old me. Ooh, now I feel like the rockstar. You must be kicking and twisting and turning at night thinking about me. Nice!

So I didn't bring an adapter for your jam, shit happens. I love the fact that you remember me so much after three years. I try and try to remember your pathetic attempts to sing in E standard and guffaw before I can get it into my head.

PS: A Kemper is great. I'm sorry you weren't aware what it was then and what it is now.

I'm glad you have other jobs. The burger flipping thing is metaphorical. Do you understand, you simpleton you? Haha, I can picture Antonio getting all puffed up hahahaha :)

Sorry, guys, got to out a liar. He messaged again, check out the "White Man Worship" hahaha

Kemper eh? Skanky, big deal? Blaming the studio's amp when you didn't get to play your skank. Don't blame your tools when your hands are incompetent. Once a whinebag, always a whinebag.

You were too memorable, it was so hard to get you off our minds. We laughed at your stumbling, whiny ways. Always complaining about the room, amps, and how you couldn't play your skanky amp. Pure idiocy.

The inability to sing in E Tuning is not a flaw of mine. It is just not within my natural singing range. Of course being a musical idiot, you fail to understand something so rudimentary, it's ridiculous.

It's downright disrespectful of you to be:
1) expecting a singer to sing in the key you want her to sing in, when my request for special tunings has been communicated to you prior. And now you are calling me pathetic. What a village idiot.

2) asking and asking and being a pest for last minute requests to jam at the convenience of YOUR fucking schedule. This is our band, you wanna play for us, you accommodate our schedules, not vice versa. Get this right or GET BACK!
I was the ex drummer of the band. Had to quit due to relocation. Antonio was intense and demanding. But he was talented and got the job done. He was never racist. When he told me he was auditioning a new guitarist and to check out this Jimmy guy, I was appalled and horrified. This Jimmy guy sucked big time. His playing was crap and I knew it. To this Jimmy guy: stop your rubbish and get a life. don't go around spreading lies and slandering people and their bands just because your playing is crap.