Looking for Drummer & Vocalist


New member
Hello everyone,

We’re a guitarist and bassist looking for a drummer and vocalist. We have no gender or racial preference. Age wise we’d prefer someone between 18-26 though we’re flexible in terms of that as well. As we see ourselves as intermediate players, it’ll be great to find others who are roughly at that skill level as well.

We’re looking at jams in the west/north/central area and mostly on Saturday afternoons as the guitarist is currently in NS.

While we’re hoping to form a band that’s more serious in nature (originals, the works) – we’ll probably try out covers for a couple of weeks to see how our chemistry goes. Though we’re pretty open minded genre wise and do not mind experimenting, here are some bands to get a rough gist of our influences.

(Jamiroquai, Radiohead, Blur, The Raconteurs, Jimi Hendrix, The Strokes, Suede, Jeff Buckley, etc )

I think ultimately we’re looking for a bunch of friends to grow together musically while having fun.

We’re keeping this short and sweet but I’d suggest you contact one of us if you’re interested and interested in giving this a shot. Don’t be shy alright! ;)

Fatmah 93-two-two-8801
Jun Guang 97-two-six-4923

I'm interested in joining, I listen to mostly soft/hard rock and a little metal bands like Bon Jovi, Guns N Roses, Journey, Aerosmith, Hinder, Alter Bridge, Creed, 3 Doors Down, Matchbox 20, Avenged Sevenfold. But it doesn't mean I mind other genres, I don't mind experimenting and trying out new stuff.
@twenjun : Sounds good, were you the one who contacted Jun Guang?

Still looking for a drummer and considering our options!
We're still looking for vox and drummers to audition. :) We try to listen to a wide variety of genres from britpop to african music to electronica to blues and classic rock. We love music and would really love to form a band, find our voice and perform originals and go for gigs. Basically, see how far we can go in the industry.

- J.G