Looking for Chinese Male singer who good in english and mandarin


New member
Male Chinese Singer is needed for a new englsih album that we are going to release year 2009. Training will start this year September/Octorber. For those who are interested please consider this is not a one time thing, but good attitude, commitment, passion, endurance, perseverance are the real key points to success.

Sex: Male
Age: 16-25
Height: Above168
Langauge: English and Mandarin
Race: Chinese

*If you are shortlisted, we will call you for audition.
*Vocal Trainging will be provided.
*Under our Elite Pre-Artist Training Scheme.
*No need to pay.(not spam)

If you are serious abt this, send your
a)Name,age,height, contact number and Vocal demo
b)Photo of yourself (one head shot and one full body shot)
c)Please indicate if you know any music instrutments or other talents
to: ursmediaconnextion@hotmail.com