Looking for Book: Guitar Player Repair Guide by Dan Erlewine

You can find it at your neighbourhood library. Go to the website and search the library catalogue. No need to buy =)
I remember seeing it kinokuniya and borders. If you can't find it there you will definitely find it at www.stewmac.com Its a luthiery supply store which has lots of books on repair/luthiery as well.
i have an extra copy at home. if you want, PM me. willing to let go for $15.

GC - i don't remember seeing that book at the library. seems the other book - how to make ur guitar play great - by Dan Erlewine is put there instead. Which imo is a more accessible book than the GPRG, though the GPRG is more informative. It's a bit less cluttered than GPRG, and you get a set of bridge radiuses at the end of the book! 8)
Actually its not, Marine Parade Library still has it. Go to www.nlb.gov.sg and you can get the book delivered to your nearest library for a fee of 1.50. There are many great books in the library. Its good that more people are taking an interest in this now. After some practice, setting up an instrument isn't such a difficult thing. There's really nothing mystical about most things, just lots of practice and analysis.

I'm thinking of getting James(soft) to set up a section for repair queries. Hopefully more people can come in to contribute and ask questions. There's not much transparency when it comes to repair processes and that is a problem because customers do not know what they are paying for. I always believe that by sharing knowledge you gain the consumer's trust. Hiding knowledge is never good for anyone and no matter what special methods people claim to have, its nothing original and has been done before so might as well share it.
Hi, i happen to be an owner of this book as well, the revised edition i bought from borders. personally i dun find this book good enough, but then again i dun think u can find better ones out in the market. it has lots of detailed information, but it isn't structured in a comprehensive way. rather all info are lumped in huge chunk in the sense that when u wanna look for something, u need to go thru all the long-winded paragraphs.

i find lots of times we can find better, more comprehensive info on net, like if u need a guide to adjust your "truss rod" and u type that in yahoo and boom, there u'll get lots of info.
GC: +1 :)

stillwater: yes... there's a lot of ranting on his fixes with the pro players. interesting, but makes it hell of a time trying to find specific solutions between those stuff.

the net is good and stuff, but also i've seen incorrect guitar repair methods online that needs to be clarified. most of the time though googling gets a bit more useful information than you would with plain books.
stillwater said:
Hi, i happen to be an owner of this book as well, .

Erlewine's books are actually amongst the clearest and easiest to read for the serious student. For simple set ups of course the net might be a better source. However if you want more clout in knowing what you are doing, Erlewine explains things more thoroughly and the book I find is put in a sequential order which makes things easy. However, that's not to say I agree with everything in there.
hi choykaiwen
i do have the book and am selling it.if u are interested u can contact me at 96893352