Looking for a bass

i tried out as many basses as i could. and i like the fender jazz the best. i agree with many of you that the sound of a jazz can never be the same as a p bass. but i tink it can come close, but never alike. the feel too of playing a p bass and jazz base is totally different, from the neck to the weight.

i kinda decided i like the the fender jazz better then the P one. ionno its just personally preference, the strings of the jazz are closer to the fretboard then the p too. i tried out the MIM and agree with reyrey, it feels like the squire. swee lee didn't have the MIJ so i tried the MIA jazz then crossed over to ranking and tried the MIJ one. its almost identical thou i have to admit MIA feels just a tinny bit better. but the price issn't that lovely either.

i'm kinda bent on gettin the MIJ jazz bass now. problem is swee lee don't have them, ranking music has only 1 left in the store, davis claims their bringing in at the end of the month, luther doesn't bring them in anymore, musictheme is way overpriced and G77 is only bringing them in in jan.

i'm prolly gg down to davis to try out the bass at the end of the month when it comes in and then decide. however the problem is. if davis doesnt bring it in and drag it till 2008, should i get it from ranking music at $945 or wait for either G77 or davis to bring them in late dec/jan?
+1 to rottenramone

save money :P and if you're worried about getting screwed over... ermm... dunnoe lei, you must be really damn suay or unobservant for that to happen

btw... i have an mij jazz bass for sale... $1000 bucks... just ignore the made in mexico print on the headstock. they print wrongly... collector's item man!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
you could just pop by g77 and place an order with them. y limit yourself to what colors g77/davis/ranking will bring in? i think you can get your bass in the dec/jan order. get it in the color you want and all that jazz (pun maybe intended :))
@rottern, iverson

i did consirder it.however the last i saw it was sold. and it was gg for $750.


actually ranking has the color i want (black) anyway looks is secondary, quality and sound is of top priority.

does G77 like have a catelog?. it seems risky to get 1 i have not even tested out.


oO, how come 1k?. wat so speical bout it?.
well if you're going for mij fenders, quality is quite standard across the board and they have diff looks for the same set of electronics and hardware according to price range. go to guitarjapan.com to take a look at what i mean. i'd personally stay away from the basswood mij fenders but that's just me.

yeah g77 has a catalog. got one from beez way back but that one is not a really comprehensive list of all the mijs out there.