look for help in music arranging


New member

I am keen to learn and improve my skills in music arranging
Ideally, in logic or Protools environment
Thus, looking for someone who can "help" me along at a fee ofcourse.

If u know of a good candidate to recommendation ?
PM me..Welcome:)
sonar2xl :)
It will be useful to know which genre of music you intend to arrange. Arranging skills goes beyond the software. I thought you would be using Sonar, judging by your moniker!
Yes, I absolutely agree arranging skills goes way beyond the software
This is precise what I would like to learn.

I self-taught myself Finale and am learning Pro tools from books now
I do not use Sonar - just happen to register this name.
Okie, maybe I should reiterate my need - To be able to arrange a melody from scratch using various instruments using software

I enjoy composing melody/lyric writing but found this hobby handicap having to rely
Or wait for someone else to finish the arrangement b4 able to progress any further.
This is why I wanna learn to do it myself.

I prefer generic contemporary stuff; pop, R&B, rock, funk and hip-hop

I am a beginner, trying to find my way from scratch in this “jungle”
Take it that I have never arranged a single stuff yet.

Rgds :)
Questions: You are reading up about Protools, so I am guessing that you are using a Mac? Other than Finale, what other softwares are you using? Any other hardwares that you have/planning to get?

Try to search for a course in music making. I know that some of the music stores in SG offers music courses ie playing instruments (not sure if there are any who offer computer music).

You could also try by first posting on this thread: http://www.soft.com.sg/web/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=61

Also you might wanna check out these fellas:

http://www.hiphopfellowship.com/forum .

It's a Singapore hiphop forum. The hiphop scene has LOADS of people who are into computer music, cos unlike rock where the guitar bass and drums are at the forefront of music making, 99.99% of their instrumentation comes from the computer. Register, say hi, be nice, ask questions, get to know people and you shouldn;t have a problem finding someone.

Of course, there is the tedious but effective method of combing through the forum siggies of Softies, looking for addresses to their myspaces and checking out their music and asking them how they did their stuff.

Hope that helps :D

PS: The Hiphop Fellowship forum is new, so it lacks in activity. But it's possibly the best way right now to get in touch with beatmakers from that scene.