"long term absence" string removal


New member
If I'm going to leave my guitar for a long while.. do you guys think i shud remove the strings completely instead of letting them rust over a 8 month period in the case? or will removing the strings create not enough tension such that the neck will warp slightly..

and then slap new strings back on when i return from overseas. =)

Buy coated strings, e.g. DR coateds @ Davis.

They don't sound as good as normal strings, and the coating does wear out if you play on them for a while... but your case is perfect for using them.
Yes, the coating will prolong string life - in that sense, you have a consistent tone over a long period of time.

However, the tone is different, more dull and harmonics seem choked... also, the tension is slightly higher.
Or u can invest in a bottle of DR stringlife. Dab some onto a tissue paper and wipe thru ur string. Kinda works like coated strings, as the solution is a polymer and it will coat your string and thereby preventing corrosion.
I think you can just leave a guitar with a new set of strings idle for 8 months. Just make sure you keep the guitar in the case.