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* This thread pertains only to those who uses the DAW Logic Express/Studio
and experiences halts with error messages such as the above
(To skip explanation, scroll all the way down for SOLUTION)
Ever experience "System Overload" messages while playing back your tracks in Logic Express/Studio when you're running a relatively good system say Intel Core 2 Duo and at least 2 GB RAM?
You're not alone.
It usually happens especially when you're using tracks with VSTi like piano, addictive drums, and other instruments which is triggered with MIDI. But your CPU can actually handle that, except that Logic is not allowing more resource usage. Or worse, 2-3 tracks of audio and you're already seeing RED spikes on your CPU meter in Logic.
(What CPU Meter?)
Here's an image:
It just needs 1 of your CPU cores to spike FULL RED at the TOP to cause SYSTEM OVERLOAD message.
(Core 2 Duo has two cores, Core 2 Duo Quad has 4, i5 has 4, i7 has 4 x 2, etc)
It's probably a bug. The community thinks that Logic is NOT fully optimized to utilize your system resources.
How to solve?
Well, we just tell Logic to be more generous in using your Mac's resources.
SOLUTION Step by Step:
1. You can do this automatically by opening the Script Editor in the /Applications/AppleScript/ folder and pasting in the following:
2. Paste the codes below:
tell application "Logic Pro"
end tell
set the_lines to paragraphs of (do shell script "ps -U $USER")
set the_app to "Logic Pro"
set the_line to ""
repeat with this_line in the_lines
if this_line contains the_app then
set the_line to this_line
end if
end repeat
if the_line is "" then return
set the_pid to word 1 of the_line
do shell script "renice -20 " & the_pid password "yourpasswordhere" with administrator privileges
REMEMBER: Provide your administrator password in the last line, and save the script as an application in a location easy to access. Open it whenever you want to open Logic Pro. More information about the command, including the purpose of the -20, is available in this article.
4. Save the script and name it to say, "Logic Studio Neo" and change the icon if you want.
5. Instead of clicking on your LOGIC STUDIO icon to open, CLICK on your new SAVED SCRIPT you've done above.
Compare the CPU METER between Logic run by ->
i) Usual Logic Express/Studio operation. You'll probably see one of your CORES spike to red easily without many tracks in your mix.
ii) The SAVED SCRIPT. You'll probably see less spikes and no RED.
This solution solved my problem and I do hope that this thread helps all the Logic users out there who encounters this annoying problem time and time again.
Peace out.
and experiences halts with error messages such as the above
(To skip explanation, scroll all the way down for SOLUTION)

Ever experience "System Overload" messages while playing back your tracks in Logic Express/Studio when you're running a relatively good system say Intel Core 2 Duo and at least 2 GB RAM?
You're not alone.
It usually happens especially when you're using tracks with VSTi like piano, addictive drums, and other instruments which is triggered with MIDI. But your CPU can actually handle that, except that Logic is not allowing more resource usage. Or worse, 2-3 tracks of audio and you're already seeing RED spikes on your CPU meter in Logic.
(What CPU Meter?)
Here's an image:

It just needs 1 of your CPU cores to spike FULL RED at the TOP to cause SYSTEM OVERLOAD message.
(Core 2 Duo has two cores, Core 2 Duo Quad has 4, i5 has 4, i7 has 4 x 2, etc)
It's probably a bug. The community thinks that Logic is NOT fully optimized to utilize your system resources.
How to solve?
Well, we just tell Logic to be more generous in using your Mac's resources.
SOLUTION Step by Step:
1. You can do this automatically by opening the Script Editor in the /Applications/AppleScript/ folder and pasting in the following:
2. Paste the codes below:
tell application "Logic Pro"
end tell
set the_lines to paragraphs of (do shell script "ps -U $USER")
set the_app to "Logic Pro"
set the_line to ""
repeat with this_line in the_lines
if this_line contains the_app then
set the_line to this_line
end if
end repeat
if the_line is "" then return
set the_pid to word 1 of the_line
do shell script "renice -20 " & the_pid password "yourpasswordhere" with administrator privileges
REMEMBER: Provide your administrator password in the last line, and save the script as an application in a location easy to access. Open it whenever you want to open Logic Pro. More information about the command, including the purpose of the -20, is available in this article.
4. Save the script and name it to say, "Logic Studio Neo" and change the icon if you want.
5. Instead of clicking on your LOGIC STUDIO icon to open, CLICK on your new SAVED SCRIPT you've done above.
Compare the CPU METER between Logic run by ->
i) Usual Logic Express/Studio operation. You'll probably see one of your CORES spike to red easily without many tracks in your mix.
ii) The SAVED SCRIPT. You'll probably see less spikes and no RED.

This solution solved my problem and I do hope that this thread helps all the Logic users out there who encounters this annoying problem time and time again.
Peace out.

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