local or regional luthiers that do replica necks?


New member
As above, need a replacement neck for my beloved wick.

I'm probably gonna get him to do a walnut neck with a slightly thinner profile.
hey again. since CNY has filled my pockets some, i'm really going to get this done.

anybody know ANYBODY ard this region who can do a fantastic job replicating my neck?
if malcolm do necks, i will prolly get him to do it. as he is local easier to talk and work with and save on shipping cost and risk of damage during shipping.

and u can always pop by for a fitting ;p and shave a few mm's to fit those hands ;p.

good idea i would also wanna do this ;p but i love ;em warwick baseball necks
if malcolm do necks, i will prolly get him to do it. as he is local easier to talk and work with and save on shipping cost and risk of damage during shipping.

and u can always pop by for a fitting ;p and shave a few mm's to fit those hands ;p.

good idea i would also wanna do this ;p but i love ;em warwick baseball necks

Yea man, I'm just afraid of the pricing. haha.
Sorry to go OT, but I've seen NNG Guitars mentioned a few times. How's their workmanship and delivery time like?

What about Guitar Made from Indon?

Been thinking about getting a custom..
cherns brought in a batch sometime last year. cherns usually, if not always, brings in quality stuff