Local music

shall we dance?

tsk tsk tsk...conformity.

the first step to dancing with the devil.

arguable topic nevertheless.

when you dance with the devil, you have to wait for the devil to stop.

conformity should not be an option.
well maybe we can plot out a plan or objectives to be made in the years to come, or maybe a mindmap so we can allocate the correct people to tackle the different areas.
hey ho let`s go!!!!!!!

the bands play a very very very important part too....must always b progressive.....must always improvise....
I seem to see similar threads like this popping out from all over this forum. Lol. Ah well, don't rush it. The local music industry's opening up, it just takes time. So yeah, chill and just do our part in the mean time by spreading the word about the bands you like. And uh, never resort to forceful means. Haha. Have a great day ahead! (:

hifi_killer: I never knew LKY was president man! Haha.
soft said:
as much as i promote music making, i do not think that we should support bands just because they are local. audience want to be entertained, doesn't matter if it is local or international. as long as it is good music.

True true, let us raise our standards and let the noise be heard! 8O :twisted:
pinkasha said:
well thats very true, but maybe if we focus on that in the past, we are already even better than hong kong already? so just hope the big players have the guts and forsight to invest on our own people.

unlikely. in any given population, only X% of the population will be talented at the arts. naturally, since singapore has a small population, we have a lower absolute number of talented artists than in a place with a large population. hong kong has many artists because many of them are manufactured, not because many of them are talented. also, hong kong started first with its economy, which is why it's a financial capital of the world. it did not become a successful city because it started off working the entertainment industry. entertainment is not the most intelligent way to go about developing a stable economy when you have nothing else backing up your country's economy. this is why it should be obvious that singapore focused on professions and finance early on because those are stable fields. people will always need doctors, lawyers, accountants, CEOs and managers, teachers, professors, researchers, banks and financial houses. these are things we depend on to survive.

in the entertainment industry, bands are lucky if they survive more than 3 years in the mainstream sector, and even if they get a lot of publicity, they aren't guaranteed wealth or success. only a handful of bands have survived over two decades. bands like Metallica, The Rolling Stones, The Eagles, and Aerosmith are a rarity in the world, and even if all four of those bands came from singapore, it wouldn't be enough to sustain our economy.

i don't agree with everything that our country's leaders have done in the past, i don't agree with everything that they do now. but what i do recognize is that it's not that they lacked guts and foresight to invest in their people. rather, they had the guts and foresight to invest intelligently in our people by helping provide them with high standards of education and training to make themselves useful to society and the world at large.

none of us would be sitting around complaining about lack of support for the arts if we didn't have banks, hospitals, engineers, corporate headquarters, and stuff like that in singapore. we'd be too busy starving and rioting.

recognize, and be thankful that we're comfortable enough in singapore to complain as much as we do.
soft said:
if we want mass acceptance, we got to play music that the masses like. if the masses like pop, play pop! if the masses like waltz, you better not tango.
hmm...actually think about it ah, its not really up to the masses(ppl with neutral, easily influenced music tastes) to choose what music they wanna "accept" and listen to all day. They in fact "accept" the "hottest trends" in music, thinking its really cool all because of the media! I mean, you see the scene out there, when radio stations start playing Linkin Park...WOAAH, everyone is listening to it and going crazy over it...next, they decide to frequently play Pop Punk(they call it Punk rock though), and then everyone goes crazy about Simple Plan and Green Day(when i was in pri school and lower sec, i tried to get my friends to listen to Green Day, but everyone rejected it as "oldies", but now suddenly everyone is crazy about them just because the media plays it!!!! :roll: ), then, the media decides to focus on R&B, WOOOOO...Now everyone walking around in baggy pants and chanting R&B chants...(u know, those songs feature ONE sentence and that sentence is chanted over and over again in the song...LOL!! :lol: )

You see, many people are strangely superficial when it comes to following trends, their ideas of "cool", "hip" and "in" are all influenced, or should I say, directed by the media! Yes, i understand that its senseless to keep trying to keep up with the "latest trends", as its of course, always a passing fad. Over time, we witness that only the GENUINELY GOOD stuff survives, eg. Classical Music, Rock & Roll, Country Music...etc., that is, they still sound pleasant to the ear despite how old they may be!

Therefore, if we believe whatever music we are into is GENUINELY GOOD, then the only way for it to become etched in the memories of people is to use the media to direct their taste to it! When the media decides to present our kind of music as "hot" and "in", the people(masses) will think so too, they(the media) needn't worry at all, seriously, the people will JUST FOLLOW THE TRENDS! So, as i said, since it is genuinely good, the music will stand the test of time, and become part of our culture.

Sorry for talking so long! :oops:
Number 2, Sorry for pressing "quote" when i wanted to reply, i just saw the need to direct my post at your comment James. Thank you for reading! :D
I agree with Michael Angelo...I've been listening to Green Day since Warning album..Back then the radio did not play songs like Green Day...But since the album American Idiot....Radios has been playing lots of Green Day song and everyone is going "wow green day is so cool..Lets be like green day,lets be punkrockers"....And so does it goes to My Chemical Romance...They had been famous a long way back,since their single with The USed...But everyone in Singapore only starts to notice them because Perfect 10 plays their new songs like Helena and Im not Okay...Radio stations have a big impact on what songs they play..Maybe if they play local songs,singaporeans might get the idea that we have local talents??
Just my point of view... :roll:

Well, Singaporeans might not be the most charming, most intelligent, most sophisticated poeple in the world .... but at least as Singaporeans, we represent who we are and our way of life ... and WE ARE BEAUTIFUL ... I"M PROUD TO SAY I AM SINGAPOREAN. Regardless how flawful Singaporeans can be ... i am proud to be who i am. It's easy to stand at one corner and start to criticise Singaporeans for the lack of support for Local music or even say that we are insipid or whatever.

But everyone has a way of life ... and everyone has a free choice. And complaining about it DOES NOT HELP AT ALL!

The primary purpose of Music is an artform to express .. music is a language to express ourselves ... whether or not it gains recognition. So let's just NOT complain about lack of attention and just do our thing. Even if the audience is small ... THE SHOW WILL GO ON .... REGARDLESS!

The last thing we need is another smartAlex who does nothing but points out problems.

Anyway, from where i grew up from ... i've seen much progress in the Local music scene. Like the availability of Jam studios and recording facilities, Organisers of Gigs and events for Local Bands. When i first started out years ago .... there was like only one place to record ... and it's TnT studios ... and they actually do it on Casette tapes!! Imagine ... Casette tapes! Now you have CDs and Hi-8s, and MP3s easily available. So trust me ... WE ARE GOING SOMEWHERE! Someday we can be there .....

But the most important thing is not whether we are the generation that brings Singapore music scene international .... the most important thing is whether we actually had fun in the process .... ya know? FUN!

And i think promoting it is such a great idea!! :)
i think the influence of the radio is slowly declining, with the introduction of internet music. Not many of us here listen to radio do we? We gotta look elsewhere for greener pastures like the national tv, mtv etc.. Instead of getting mediacorp actors and actress to kill themselves for the nkf/president star charity, whatever "charity" shows,they could get local rock bands to perform.
The thing about Singaporeans is that we have this mentality that the "moon is rounder overseas" (i.e foreign stuff are always better). if you take a look at the successful chinese local pop artists like Sun Yanzi, JJ, Ah Do, their record companies promote them at taiwan first, making them famous there before bringing them back to S'pore for promotions, this speaks volumes of how the record companies view the local market, and that is that "If we can make a artiste famous overseas, they will be famous here as well". And also that the market here to them is too small.

And the thing that bugs me about local radio is that whenever they play local music, they will always play this anoying trailer of "Music made in S'pore". Why the discrimination? They should jus play it.
Or next time Chanel U Superstar should find Local bands to participate.
Or, when the guy/lady superstar get into final,
should arrange them sing a song that specially composed by locals for them.

nomally when we start notice an artist,
is when we happenned to listen one of his/her song thru radio/tv or anywhere else....
then feel like it suit our taste,
then we start to look out for his/her album...
the album we bought happen to suit our taste also,
then we will look out for his/her subsequent release.

you heard Sun Yanzi's TiOO (天黑黑) first?
or saw her face first?
i believe we all start noticing her by listened to her song first.

To promote local music,
there is somewhere people can listen the songs...
the songs heard by people can be easily accepted (suit their taste lar)...
there is something which attract the interest of people to listen.
(good review from newspaper, TV, radio?)

people will start buying local music album...

Similar example,
you know one of our SOFTies "teraslasch"?

At first,
I happen to listen his "OM: Melodies",
I personally like it very much.
I start browsing his website for more music.
I found that it suit my taste.
I loking forward for his musis publishing.

That's the typical progress of a person start to touch something which he never heard of...

same thing applied to local music.
maybe local bands can try touring in japan china taiwan, try to make it big there then return as a victor. one big obstacle would be the financial problems. how much can they afford? to tour and gig outside singapore?
hmm my friend saw electrico's album being sold in aust when he was there for a holiday...so i suppose that some local bands are indeed being promoted overseas..