local music is......



its ok to imitate lah.... i mean thats how ppl learn guitar right? from imitatiing their idols :) just make sure that you can grow from your roots and listen to a whole range of shit to create your own style.

and don't let such bad experiences cloud your image of jamming and the local music scene altogether. bands are like relationships what... sometimes work out, sometimes not.
i think the current problem to should be solved from all sides all angles. You cannot depend on the bands alone to create a "nirvana" miracle.You cant expect the bands themselves to go all the way , all alone without any help. Surely the rest of the society, the organisers, the gahmen and especially the mass media have a role to play.Not that i'm trying to downplay the faults that lies with our bands. No use pointing ur fingers at just one of the many parties involved
Jamaica vs Singapore. Score for originality = 10 to 0. hahaha
Why? Cos like Rottenramone mentioned we imitate. We are still at the stage of apeing genres and forming 'sub' genres of music + culture, not creating our own or breaking out radically. Of course, this is a process for all of us, no shortcuts. But still the question remains - do we have anything new to offer to the world?

Lots of bands i've heard copy others so blatantly it gets sickening to listen to. This is not just in Singapore. Most of the time, these bands aren't expecting to make it big. i guess its just up to us to have more confidence in whatever we say or do, and being ethical when writing songs. Even so, we arent Jamaicans in any way, not yet. Be original! We need bands / musicians who dare to be different. Don't let others tell you how to play, how to sound, do it YOUR way!

Oh yeah btw, I was just talking to another forummer recently about his band and stuff like his band leader expecting him to sound a certain way. Well, imagine if everybody worked their personality and tone into a band's eventual sound, and every member is heavily influenced by different genres of music. "Wow, i never heard anything like THAT before". Aint that great? Stick to yourselves, stick to your band, do the right thing!
hmmm...i don't know about album sales...but performance turnouts-wise...electrico had screaming crowds...and my friends are ronin groupies...and i try to make it to all the PLP gigs...i think that as long as you give the crowds a good time...people will come to your shows...

i heard that there was body surfing in the last days of the mosaic music festival...mm hmm...

yeah...just my two cents worth..
Local bands carry the voice of a nation being heard. The songs, the words, the chords, and the melody we sing; be it about love, lust, hate, relationships, wild animal sex, God and the devil, violence, peace joy and happiness; it's all an intricate part of what all bands represent as a whole. The thriving Singapore music scene.

It's just my personal opinion. But remember this; despite all the shit that bands encounter, despite the demoralizing disheartening obstacles bands have to overcome. everyone's still hanging in there, and looking out for the light at the end of the tunnel

do what you want and thou wilt be the law.

Keep the faith

my sister sent me this from scotland where she is working with a nice nice company after finishing her mba. and it couldnt come at a more appropriate time.


This speech was delivered during the commencement exercises of the
University of Philippines graduating class of 2003 by Mr. Butch Jimenez,
the youngest commencement speaker in the university's history.

He once dreamed of doing so and it came true!

Students wished they had a pencil or paper to jot down notes during the
speech; some even wished they had a tape recorder. Some members of the
faculty found his speech practical, refreshing and funny!

Butch Jimenez, head of PLDT's media & strategic communications
department, delivered this speech at the UP Diliman Class 2003 commencement

What's better than...?

By Butch Jimenez

Better than being negative

As college students, you're just about to set sail into the real world.
As you prepare for the battle-ground of life, you'll hear many
speeches, read tons of books & get miles of advice telling you to work hard,
dream big, go out & do something for yourself and have a vision.

Not bad advice, really. In fact, following these nuggets of truth may
just bring you to the top. But as I've lived my life over the years, I
have come to realize that it is great to dream big, have a vision, make
a name & work hard. But guess what: There's something better than that.

So my message today simply asks the question, What's better than...?

Let's start off with something really simple. What's better than a long
speech? No doubt, a short one. So, you guys are in luck because I do
intend to keep this short.

Now, let me take you through a very simple math exam. I'll rattle off a
couple of equations & you tell me what you observe about them. Be
mindful of the instructions. You are to tell me what you observe about the

Here goes: 3+4=7, 9+2=11, 8+4=13, and 6+6=12. Tell me, what do you

Every time I conduct this test, more than 90% of the participants
immediately say, 8+4 is NOT 13, it's 12!

That's true & they are correct. But they could have also observed that
the three other equations were right. That 3+4 is 7, that 9+2 is 11,
and that 6 + 6 is 12.

What's my point? Many people immediately focus on the negative instead
of the positive. Most of us focus on what's wrong with other people
more than what's right about them. Examine those four equations. Three
were right & only one was wrong. But what is the knee-jerk observation?
The wrong equation.

If 10 people you didn't know were to walk through that door, most of
you would describe those people by what's negative about them. He's fat.
He's balding. Oh, the short one. Oh, the skinny girl. Ahhh, 'yung
pango. Etc.

Get the point? It's always the negative we focus on & not the positive.
You'll definitely experience this in the corporate world. You do a
hundred good things & one mistake-guess what? Chances are, your attention
will be called on that one mistake.

So what's better than focusing on the negative? Believe me, its
focusing on the positive. And if this world could learn to focus on the
positive more than the negative, it would be a much nicer place to live in.

Better than working hard.

We have always been told to work hard. Our parents say that, our
teachers say that & our principal says that. But there's something better
than merely working hard. It's working SMART.

It's taking time to understand the situation & coming out with an
effective & efficient solution to get more done with less time & effort. As
the Japanese say, "There's always a better way."

One of the most memorable case studies I came across with as I studied
Japanese management at SophiaUniversityin Tokyowas the case of the
empty soap box, which happened in one of Japan's biggest cosmetics
companies. The company received a complaint that a consumer had bought a box of
soap that was empty. It immediately isolated the problem to the
assembly line, which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the
delivery department. For some reason, one soap box went through the assembly
line empty. Management tasked its engineers to solve the problem.
Post-haste, the engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with
high-resolution monitors manned by two people to watch all the soap boxes that
passed through the line to make sure they were not empty. No doubt,
they worked hard & they worked fast.

But a rank-and-file employee that was posed the same problem came out
with another solution. He bought a strong industrial electric fan &
pointed it at the assembly line. He switched the fan on & as each soap box
passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.

Clearly, the engineers worked hard, but the rank-and-file employee
worked smart. So what's better than merely working hard? It's working
smart. Having said that, it is still important to work hard. If you could
combine both working hard & working smart, you would possess a major
factor toward success.

Better than dreaming big.

I will bet my next month's salary that many have encouraged you to
dream big. May be even to reach for the stars & aim high. I sure heard that
about a million times right before I graduated from this university.

So I did. I did dream big. I did aim high. I did reach for the stars.
No doubt, it works. In fact, the saying is true: "If you aim for
nothing, that's exactlywhat you'll hit: nothing."

But there's something better than dreaming big. Believe me, I got
shocked myself. And I learned it from the biggest dreamer of all time, Walt

When it comes to dreaming big, Walt is the man. No bigger dreams were
fulfilled than his. Every leadership book describes him as the ultimate
dreamer In fact, the principle of dreaming & achieving is the core
message of the Disney hit song, "When You Wish Upon a Star".

"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are; anything
your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dream, no
request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do," as
Jiminy Cricket sang.

But is that what he preached in the Disney company? Dream?

Well, not exactly. Kinda, but not quite. The problem with dreaming is
if that's all you do, you'll really get nowhere. In fact, you may just
fall asleep & never wake up.

The secret to Disney's success is not just dreaming, it's
IMAGINEERING.. You won't find this word in a dictionary. It's purely a Disney word.
Those who engage in imagineering are called imagineers. The word
combines the words "imagination" and "engineering."

In the book "Imagineers," Disney's CEO, Michael Eisner, claims that
"imagineers turn impossible dreams into real magic."

Walt Disney explained there is really no secret to their approach.
They just keep moving forward-opening new doors & doing new things,
because they are curious. And it is this curiosity that leads them down new
paths. They always dream, explore & experiment. In short, imagineering
is the blending of creative imagination & technical know-how.

Eisner expounds on this thought by saying that "Not only are imagineers
curious, they are courageous, outrageous & their creativity is

The big difference with imagineers is that they dream & then they DO!
So don't just be a dreamer, be an imagineer.

What's better than vision. You must have all been given a lecture at
one time or another about the importance of having a vision. Even
leadership expert John Maxwell says that an indispensable quality of a leader
is to have a vision. The Bible also makes it very clear that "Without
vision, people perish." So no doubt about it, having a vision is
important to success.

But surprise! There's something more potent than a vision. It's a
CAUSE. If all you're doing is trying to reach your vision & you're pitted
against someone fighting for a cause, chances are you'll lose.

The Vietnam War is a classic example. Literally with sticks & stones,
the Viet Cong beat the heavily armed US Army to surrender, primarily
because the UShad a vision to win the war, but the Vietnamese were
fighting for a cause.

In the realm of business, many leaders have visions of making their
Company No.1, or grabbing market share, or forever increasing profits.

Nothing really wrong with that vision, but take the example of Sony
Founder Akio Morita. He did not just have a vision to build the biggest
electronics company in the world. In his biography, "Made in Japan,"

he reveals that the real reason he set up Sony was to help rebuild his
country, which had just been battered by war. He had a cause he was
fighting for. His vision to be an electronics giant was secondary.

What's the difference between a vision & a cause? Here's what sets them
apart... No one is willing to die for a vision. People will die for a
cause. You possess a vision. A cause possesses you. A vision lies in
your hands. A cause lies in your heart. A vision involves sacrifice. A
cause involve the ultimate sacrifice.

Just a word of caution. You must have the right vision & you must be
fighting for the right cause. In the end, right will always win out.

It may take time & it may take long. But if you have the right vision &
are fighting for the right cause, you will prevail. If not, no matter
how sincere you are, if you are not fighting for what is right, you will
ultimately fail.

Having been given the opportunity to study in UP, no doubt, much has
been given to you in terms of an excellent education. Don't forget that
in return, much is now required of you to use that education not just
for yourself, but for others.

And as you move up & start reaching the pinnacle of success, even more
will be required of you to look at the welfare of others, of society &
of the country.

A final review

What's better than focusing on the negative? Focus on the positive.

What's better than working hard? It's working smart.

What's better than dreaming? Imagineering.

What's better than doing something for yourself? Doing something for
your country.

What's better than a vision? A cause.

What's better than a long speech? Definitely, a short one.

Thank you & congratulations, UP Diliman graduating class of 2003.

"Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never
thank you mr.soft for taking the time to share that. in fact i am printing this out and sticking on my desk, and passing this to my staff!
honestly speaking

honestly speaking, all said and done, bands playing music in singapore play just, purely and only for the love and passion for it. thats all that keeps us going. i know thats what has kept my band going. we played with u guys at freedom gig 05. nice set guys.

Press Play
local music is under-played, under-appreciated, under-recognised.

but there's talent. talent without recognition isn't good enough.

i hate 2 say this but who is any1 2 criticize anybody? wats the definition of gd & bad? my opinion is we shd learn from the gd pts & bad pts tat we gather & improve ourselves instead of blabbering. i have met many young aspiring musicians as well as singers but their attitude is really bad 2 the core. Thinking yor music is this & tat & wonderful will get u nowhere. your music might b great but its not up 2 u 2 decide. the main prob with local music is they keep thinking oportunities will come knocking on their door. tat WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! so snap out of tat dream & start doin something abt it. gd luck
yeah! i noticed some people with the attitude, "we're a great band so let's wait for people to come and worship us, beg us to play etc." there's no such thing -_- music needs marketing, no matter what!
lol candie. that sounds super familiar. (:

and yeah, we can help(small-scale) by spreading the word to our frds etc whenever we can. (:

DO or DO NOT. there's really no such thing as TRY. :\
the problem here is that there are not enough people wanting to get behind the scenes... sure, we've got the bands, the talent.. but do we have the people to get these bands heard and known? what our local bands need are people interested to manage them and handle the logistics.. make sure these bands get the exposure, etc. a manager would assure that the band he's managing gets onto every magazine/newspaper out there, plays at big-scale gigs, by promoting the band. this way, the band can concentrate on the music they're making and not worry about landing the next gig to play, or promoting themselves.

however, since we don't have that going on right now... what needs to be done is to get out there and get the exposure for yourselves. the countless hours one spends jamming and improving skills don't matter if you don't get the exposure. also, one can't depend on the media to take the initiative to look for these bands, one has to fight for the limelight in order to attain it.
many moons ago, i said the same thing so i started this website.

i hope everyone will put their expertise to good use and build up the music industry. maybe not in 1 or 2 years but hopefully in 5 years time.

james has definately built a fantastic platform 4 music ppl in sg 2 connect & help 1 another. as 4 having a manager, i totally agree, if u guys r 2 send your demos yourself, its 99% tat it will end up in the bin cos labels receive tonnes of them everyday & they wont spend time listening. having a manager means @ least he will ensure your reel is listened 2 instead of ending up in the trash. but choose your manager wisely, there r many so called "managers" out there who claim they will do this & tat 4 u but in fact r only out 2 take u 4 a ride. TAKE NOTE:those who require u 2 pay a fee 2 b managed r usually not of very much help 2 your music career.