Local music >> Foreign Music

well , we could always have digital radio ? someone use satellite radio ? we can volunteer our coms to host radio every day for a certain period of time ... i volunteer mine if theres a need , from 7-11 pm
Started out as a marketing meme for the apple guys. Basically it's an mp3 on a server. If you have iTunes, it will automatically try to download that file if it has changed everytime you log on and update your ipod with the latest issue. Those without can still download the file and listen to it either on their computer or on their portables.

The other way is to have a shoutcast/icecast server as a live service. But then you'll be restricted to only internet listening.
i would be so happy if someone actually get the internet radio thing going. :smt020

okay, back to this "local vs foreign", i want to support GOOD local music. I dont listen to BAD foreign stuff. :lol:
sfz said:
I hope, (I CAN ONLY HOPE) that someday somehow, someone will get the ball rolling, and allow our local music to hog the airtime on our local stations, better still, have a all-local music station.

Hey sfz, u have some ideas gg on there. Why dun you try to see if there's someway you can spearhead this thing? Why wait and hope for someday somehow and someone? Why not do it yourself?

And I quote the local drum'n'bass collective, Guerilla, "Talk does not cook rice..."
dude...what have you got against hip hop? just because you like rock doesn't mean that hip hop is bad. It's just different. You wanna start some crazy idea about boycotting? Fine. But don't start giving comments like "some hip hop shit".
Only know of that one drum n bass collective.

Went for a hip-hop fest this year. Din really see any groups performing with turntablists. Really curious to see if any crews still believe in performing with DJ rather than backing tapes.