Local Band on TV

>>so to be politically-correct, it is best to be 'unproud' of whatever we are.

That's dumb and you know it. In life one should only be proud of what one has achieved. Any other type of pride will border on something negative.

Dumbness is insistng on seeing something in a negative light when there's really nothing to it. AND assuming that someone thinks a certain way when you don't really know him at all.
Nah! True dumbness is trying to rescue a drowing person that doesn't want to be saved. You are a true icon for dumbness.

What you have said thus far, in your replies, shows your lack of human understanding, humility, and number of brain cells.

Tell US. Are you really, and I mean REALLY proud of something you never accomplished or had a part in? It seems like you are really, really a proud person for no good reason that can be attributed to yourself.

It seems that you can only be proud of your skin colour or the language that you can speak. It seems that you are proud of your parents and not yourself.

I think you have said enuff regarding yourself and your parents.

Please doso, please continue being proud of things you never ever accomplished in life. Tell it to everyone you know and tell it to everyone you don't know. Let's see what kind of a response you get.

Coda - skin colour, skin tones, accent, language, social status, marital status, employment status - these are all a bunch of BS. Stay out of it. It's simple! Got nothing REAL to be proud of? What's your problem?
lol...you've got a major chip on your shoulder don't you?
I see no need to dignify your comment with a further response.
Good day.
Being proud of your race doesn't mean you believe in ethnic cleansing or what la ... ... If you're proud of your race, like proud of your chinese race, means you wont act like ang moh cause you find it embarrasing to be associated with chinese people ... You willing to stand up for your race la in other words .. So rork, get off vaiyen's back ...
hmm..whats wrong with being proud of our race and whats wrong with being proud of our parents...even though my parents arent any big famous icons with huge achievements towards the country...but at least they r there when i need them and thats what a child needs the most..the support from the family..
True dumbness is one who speaks not in a prudent way ... and wise men do not seek to provoke. It's very apparent who is the one who is dumb.

If one can only be proud of what one can achieve, then again, how much is enough? Do you think you have achieved enough to be proud of yourself? And if you are not proud of who you are and where you come from, I think you are empty and do not have a sense of identity .... and how can one be truly happy if one does not respect oneself as one is?

So what is more important? To be happy as who we are or to achieve what we want? Then again ... does what we do determines who we are? Or is it who we are that determines what we do?

So i guess you are not proud of who you are because you were not involved in the creation of your own anatomy. You should dig a hole a bury your head .... because you are not worth it .... you just said it.
RACE means SHIT! If people like you who prefess to being musicians or wannabes can't understand that then there really isn't too much that can be said about the things you want to share with your fellow HUMAN RACE.

There is ONLY the HUMAN RACE. GET that in your thick SKULL. It's propaganda SHIT that you ate so much off that it's now in your brain.

And stop trying to hide behind your "I am proud of my skin colour" crap. If I or someone else is black, or slightly pale, or mostly half-black, or not very close to white, then what the heck are you trying to tell me???

It's fine if you prefer your bak kut teh to french fries or murtabak but YOUR SKIN colour??? How did you get it? Did you save up your last few month's salary to buy it?

The strange thing is that the thread is about a band with someone who is mostly white. And yet we get idiots talking about skin colour???

Like I said, in the beginning of this post; RACE means shit. I just hope that you guys stop your skin colours crap here especially where musicians are abound. It just doesn't make sense!
>>So i guess you are not proud of who you are because you were not >>involved in the creation of your own anatomy. You should dig a hole a >>bury your head .... because you are not worth it .... you just said it.

I am proud of what I have achieved. Nothing more nothing less.

It seems that you have a supreme lack of understanding of how to be proud. Wake and smell the roses, be they white, black, blue, purple, or white, or yellow. They're beautiful.

I was only trying to tell you that your skin colour has nothing to do with you being proud of it. There are other issues with you.

Think about it and wake up!

This will be my last post on this thread. I take it that you are comfortably numb with your skin colour obsession. So go for it. I'm not stopping you.
Firstly, none of my previous post had mentioned anything about DISCRIMINATION OF OTHER RACES. I say this and i say again .... I respect every single races and i have no prob with that .... and i DO NOT NEED to say it THE WAY YOU WANT ME TO SAY IT!

Secondly, none of my previous post has reflected any OBSESSION WITH SKIN COLOUR. And i am PROUD OF MY PARENTS FOR BRINGING ME UP!

Thirdly, the mention about the colour of our skin is JUST A REMINDER of who we are and where we came from. If you dun, you are ROOTLESS and have NO IDENTITY.

You play music ... but do you know who created this music that we are playin? Do you know the history behind all that is passed down? If you do not understand true "blues feeling" that is felt by the pioneers of blues players ... how can you truly feel and express yourself through the blues?
madmonkeykungfu said:
so is RoRk the vocalist of ronin?
Nah, i'm sure levan is more sensible... anyway, he don't seem to know wtf he's talking about...

guitarman78 said:
But we must never forget the colour of our skin.
I guess he meant our roots

RoRK said:
I hope you meant the colour of OUR BLOOD.
ooh... err was it yellow? oh! blue!!! yeah!!! is ur's green?

RoRK said:
Do DNAs have colour?
good question... made me think... but before i thought out an ans to that, i was thinking again... what has it got to do with anything mentioned?

RoRK said:
Nah! True dumbness is trying to rescue a drowing person that doesn't want to be saved.
i take ur advice... and therefore i won't save u...

there are 2 kinds of proud... 1 type is the "i am over u so most holy" proud... ie inverse of humble... the other proud is being happy about something... i.e inverse of ashamed...

what he clearly meant was that he wasn't ashamed of being chinese... control urself from flaming unessisarily pal... it just shows ur lack of brain contours instead of lack of brain cells...
er dudes,

everyone needs to chill a little. that's not why we started the post. :)

relak a bit folks.

the best thing to be proud of is the person you are, regardless of anything. you can be ang moh or chinese it makes no difference if you don't respect yourself. And once you respect yourself, others will respect you, and you needn't worry about the naysayers.

thanks for watching the documentary!

hey its really nice to have the local band on tv!
hope the public will finally sees that sg also have good musicians

i always wonder what drives people to type ALOT.
its like... talent!

hehe, in textbooks, they colour DNA in blue and red i think.

anyway, the show was funny.