Live recording venue needed for worship album


New member
Hello fellow artists,
I'm currently sourcing for a venue to record our live worship album. i've looked at some places already but they haven't met our criteria. Would appreciate if you could help out by dropping in some suggestions. Essentially we are looking for a venue that:
1. has a capacity at least upto 500 people
2. has a decent front of house system (we have the recording gear)
3. walls floor ceilings generally okay to record live performances
4. not too pricey
5. not too far from town and accessible
6. spacious stage that can fit 2 guitar players, 2 keyboards, choir of 10, 6 singers, drums, percussions, bass player

if you could send me a lead, i can do the rest of the research! thank you so much for your time!!

ah yes, i filmed there a couple of times. you should do recital studio it's pretty good sound/acoustics etc. nice comfortable seats for the audience too.
hey guys thanks so much for your responses, i have checked out the recital studio unfortunately, the pegged seats are not what i had in mind and the capacity is not enough...
still hopeful though, thanks again!