You know how subservient we Asians are
Not sure about that, but I did note the irony that this website should use an image of a caucasian (who can't play guitar properly and who despises talent shows) when the whole site was ostensibly for a sponsored Malaysian band talent hunt. Not being a Malaysian or even a resident I would not be eligible. White man sweating on stage is more glamourous? Or what their target market wants to aspire to? Or was it just because it was the most dramatic photo they had in their stocks.
And when I first copped the site -late 2008- it was year where 100% of my own band's scheduled Malaysian shows had fallen through, or been sabotaged by fate in some way, so that we didn't get to play.
In the end my own band only played ONE gig up north last year. A rep from the events company who made the site came to the show too. And left a few deodorant-related gifts. It's not a very nice one. But at least they liked our songs.