Live 'n' Loaded Ep 7 - 12 Mar, 11pm on Ch 5


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Fluxus: Putting Stellarium on LNL will be a compromise to their wall of sound and visual presentation that the band brings to their shows anywhere and everywhere. We have explored with the band and concluded that TV will not do any justice to the band's sound. Great band & music, nonetheless.
Fluxus: Putting Stellarium on LNL will be a compromise to their wall of sound and visual presentation that the band brings to their shows anywhere and everywhere. We have explored with the band and concluded that TV will not do any justice to the band's sound. Great band & music, nonetheless.

oh i see....sure thing hahah.........dammit they need a music video then maybe.......
oh i see....sure thing hahah.........dammit they need a music video then maybe.......

Isn't that thoughtful of the producers? Essentially it's like saying: "We help bands to not compromise. We do this by NOT having them on our show".

May Astreal be classic.
Isn't that thoughtful of the producers? Essentially it's like saying: "We help bands to not compromise. We do this by NOT having them on our show".

We rolled out the old red carpet, but sometimes, our dusty old red color just don't match the 2010 "white is the new black" artistic vision of performers.

I'll love to see Stellarium on TV, fade the lights to black, cue all 30 strobes hanging on the rigs and placed on the floors, and i'll love to see them turn up the amps in the studio and burst the eardrums of the audience.

But... who will come and help me pack my cubicle the very next day? ;)
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Push for this! ALthough alot have changed since the first episode, but the work is still encouraging and thats a start.!

SUpport Local!

Oh well it's good you asked them. But what's to be scared of? Some of the other acts that have appeared have been drastically more eardrum-pain inducing than Stellarium ... worse still, they don't mean to be.

Thanks for having Astreal though. Them and Freaky Z and Ling Kai show there is some originality out there beyond the top chops.