Live 'n' Loaded Ep#6 - 5 Mar, 11pm on Ch5

I really enjoyed the episode last night! :-D

Why don't Live N' Loaded go out with a big bang with a mega concert at the Padang featuring all the really good bands and we all Softies go there together and really show our support?
Why don't Live N' Loaded go out with a big bang with a mega concert at the Padang featuring all the really good bands and we all Softies go there together and really show our support?

SOFT has a registered count of 13,000 members. I always wondered about the statement "we all Softies" all the time.

If "we all Softies" really show their support and buy Aging Youth acts' albums, I'll be doing Aging Youth Records full-time. And prolly, some of our acts will turn full-time as well.

And every Chinese New Year, I will sure send James a hamper with abalone cans and a bottle of Hennesy VSOP to thank him and "we all Softies".

If 20% of "we all Softies" support and buy the albums, most of our projects will be self-sustainable. Alas, "we all Softies" not supporting that much... The rest of us have to keep on truckin' til then.

Even top Filipino acts like Bamboo and Eraserheads sell about 20 - 30k per album. And they still have day jobs! Somewhat lah... Sad hor?

Btw, Padang is very expensive and ley cheh to rent. Must submit proposal to NParks and SRC.
Nah, I don't really think so lah.

But I guess everyone has different musical tastes.

This forum is hardly representative of the Singapore hip-hop scene as well.
Well said bro Aging Youth!

Its about time somebody made that point.

Seems to me like the majority of softies only care about their own gear.
Not much genuine support when it comes down to it
people support good music to their individual ears, and music that speaks to them, whether its local, or not. there are quite a number of singaporean artists who are very popular with good album sales

we dun see akira or enzer shouting "support local" because people are buying sony or hitachi, at least they know that their quality isn't on par to their competitors... yet

if you suck, you suck... shouting support local will only reflects on one's inferiority

however, if you think you haven't got your due recognition, you should resort to working harder, instead of sitting there and complaining that ppl dun support local

hope you'll become the next osim someday, my 2 cents
juju, I totally agree with you on your points.

Every act should be judged upon its merits and flaws. And they should be rewarded accordingly. No doubt about that!

What I'm saying is that behind all this "support your local acts" facade. But there seems to be little action beyond mere lip service and furious typing on the QWERTY keyboard. No one buys and no one comes for the shows. Has been before and will probably be the same. Very the irritating after a while. Makes you wonder why we are all doing this for.

Akira is hardly the best example, dude. Singapore company with fully made-in-China products and a Japanese company name. Hmmm... reminds me of a British amp manufacturer who came up with an "exotic" name to appear more German precision-engineering-like. Yeah, Hughes & Kettner, yeah, you.
Wah piang eh!

Taking my words literally is a bit ridiculous, don't you think? :(

Of course, logically it is impossible to account for each and every registered Soft member what.

So, figuratively speaking, I am referring to those who'd care to turn up and actually know about it, IF my suggestion is made into reality.

Cos it's probably logical too that IF my suggestion is taken up, I of all people, would of course ensure that I make it known to the peeps I personally know in Soft, and then maybe create a thread to rah rah and tell 'everyone' about it and go, or at least get them to consider going.

And you are comparing the Philippines, total area of 300,000 km with a population of 90 million, with Singapore (700 km + 4 million people)?


ps I wasn't even seriously suggesting. Just caught a wandering thought off my head. :-D
madhatter wouldnt survive without e groove...

e groove wouldnt survive without e bass

e bass wouldnt survive without e bassist.

thanks to azlan. e groovemaster!

Thanks to those who came down to watch and support all e bands too.
We really appreciate it. It was overall a good experience.=)

-reyza madhatter. =)
juju, I totally agree with you on your points.

Every act should be judged upon its merits and flaws. And they should be rewarded accordingly. No doubt about that!

What I'm saying is that behind all this "support your local acts" facade. But there seems to be little action beyond mere lip service and furious typing on the QWERTY keyboard. No one buys and no one comes for the shows. Has been before and will probably be the same. Very the irritating after a while. Makes you wonder why we are all doing this for.

Akira is hardly the best example, dude. Singapore company with fully made-in-China products and a Japanese company name. Hmmm... reminds me of a British amp manufacturer who came up with an "exotic" name to appear more German precision-engineering-like. Yeah, Hughes & Kettner, yeah, you.

I simply agree to your points about the SUPPORT LOCAL talk but no action people in Singapore. They talk and talk and when there is a free gig, they would turn up like swarms but when you ask them to buy an EP costing $10 or go to a gig costing $12, they say expensive. So much for support haha.

But about the Akira, I dun agree with you leh. It is a good example to compare with our bands mah. Unless our local bands are playing locally made instruments and having band names like err... "Sang Nila Utama:, then they are quite similar to Akira mah haha