lip rings


New member
alrighty, so soft dosent have a board regarding such question so i guess the most sensible place would be here.

so i finally managed to convince my mom about letting me get a lip ring, but shes worried about all my old fashion aunt about being naggy and stuffs, sooo

after i pierce, let it heal up well and smooth ( round 2 month ++ i checked)

after its all healed, would it be advisible to like basically, wear a retainer at home, and put on the ring only when im going out that kinda procedure?

advice please :)


p.s: hot weather sucks.
you are right! this is the most sensible place to ask about lip ring.

and ur aunt is right too! lip ring old fashioned already laaaa... get nipple or penis/clit ring!
all like go out of context! im just wondering if its okay to like change between retainer and the ring like everyday, or is that not recommended.

just doing some research
I put in the retainer after piercing for a week. It's much easier to hide if you pierce in the middle cause your lip kinda blocks it when you take out the bearing.
I guess meddling with it too much, too soon (even though it has healed) wouldn't be a good idea because well, you're pretty much inviting contamination by constantly switching between retainer and ring. It probably wouldn't do the wound much good (though it has healed) to keep introducing a new material every time you feel like going out.

Just my 0.01 cents. Hope that made sense. Haha.
hey bro, just leave the lip ring on la... there's nothing wrong with switching between the retainer and the ring... but u pierced ur lip, went through the pain till it healed and then wanna hide it? i wear mine everywhere, during work at maestro, during a date, while gambling and even while getting drunk. =)
hmm most probably wanna hide at home, and wear go out.

i dont want my mom getting shit from my aunt, these aunties are quite a bugger