Line 6 Spider II

Have you tried them?

if No --> Try them

else if Yes --> Which one did you like?

if Line6 --> Buy it

else if Marshall --> Buy it

else if Neither --> Try something else

theblueark has a point. most important is you need to try the amp and like it.

don't know which marshall you are referring to. but based on a similar comparison, i prefer the line 6.

though it has it's own unique tone signature, i feel it is a more versatile amp than the marshall.
theblueark said:
Have you tried them? look like persudo codes for java programing..the if and else statement..haha...

i use spider 2 15 watt now...i find it pretty good with the build in efx etc...and the insane mode is really insane...haha...

and ya..jus like blueark says...u need to try both of them 1st b4 u purchase any...
Java indeed! :)

Another option would be the Roland Microcube or Cube30. Better sounding than the Spider II and all the Marshal MGs.
line 6 makes great stuff...the spyder 2 is decent but digital..if you listen real close..and i mean it..the distortion is so "digital" and i dont mean to offend anyone seriously. why? i tried the spyder as well..and i like it cause it had lots of connections which is really innovative and also the effects are if you want a spyder 2..get a pod with will help lots..
and also..follow shredcow's advice..try a is quite good as well and the price are around the same with the cube much more expensive..but the tone from it is worth every cent...i use a microcube and i might get a 30 when the time is right...hope it helps..cheers.