line-6 has shafted me again......


New member
bought a md100 midi to usb cables to use for the line6 m9. spend a good part of my time no practicing and playing with the new toy but trying to blardy upgrade firmware.

went to the forums and they recomended a m-audio midisport uno - i think its this

so where the hell can i guy these god damn cables since they are so lazy to fix the damn stupid monkey whatever sh!t software they are using...
Line 6

I'm sure there are plenty of Line 6 Users that are very happy with their "no conflict" set up. At the risk of getting Flamed after I post this, I actually was quite turned off with Line 6 when I was researching plug-ins for electric guitar FX and amplifier simulations. This is reading their own Forums on the Line 6 web site itself.

I kept reading thread after thread of complaints about monkey wrench or what ever they called it, all the support could reply was "we're working on it" or something like that.

I ended up going for Guitar Rig.

I feel you dude, good luck man.
im using the cheap cables sold by citymusic and it works. You need an updated version of monkey.

Still have problems? call citymusic, bring down the m9 and they'll update it for u. No charge at all.