Line 6 Amps

neway ne 1 used da spiderII 15 ??how issit?
recommandations on which 1 2 get?
either a roland cube 15X n Spider II 15
thnks alot

Call them to find out the prices.

The spider 15 is all right, digital but not horribly cold & sterile sounding.

btw cub and spider, i would choose spider. otherwise i would opt for a pathfinder 15 or behringer ac110, but that's my personal preferences.
i checked out da prices already..they r abt da same..maybe 10 bucks difference...since spider II has offers now..tot of getting it...hmmm...if comparing just these 2 amps n without pedals 4 now...which would sound better 4 metal?
imo neither. they're practice amps and don't sound heavy enough. but depends how you see it - very little practice amps sound big to begin with.

in any case, i would advise you to wait till December for the sales period for Sweelee and CityMusic.
if u can afford, get the HD147.

Tried it at city music some months ago for fun and i was surprised at the tone. GOOD. It was a bit fiddly to dial in a good sound though, and i know this amp has potential to produce very quality sounds if you take the time to play around with it. May take long time to find THAT sound but its def in there. The effects are cool and they sound really rich and clear. This surprised me. You should give it a try. The ppl at the store will help you out. I recommend this over any spider line model anyday.
hmm i'll go down n check out da spider II at citymusic sumtime...but cube has some standard boss stompboxes maybe..tts more benificial 4 my budget
thnks neway
yea but comparing them...i prefer da cube's 1
but still im gonna try them both out n see wif 1s im more suitable wif