Levan left Ronin


New member
well just read about it in the news.... Levan left Ronin,, great lost either way.

I dunno levan personally, just shook his hands once at compass point.....

I rem when I as a drummer fell out with the lead singer of my ex band too...

Hope both sides can churn out great music really

So far from what i heard from Astroninja the music rocks.... sounds really good
Parting of ways

That's the email they sent

Dear Ronin Fans,

The band has decided to part ways with Levan, who officially will no longer be singing for Ronin as of Tuesday, June 19, 2007. This will come as a surprise to most, but not all of you. As our fans, we feel that you require an explanation amidst all the half-cocked rumors and allegations that seem to be going around on forums and the like. Many of you are musicians yourselves, and understand that the effort of being in a band requires the cooperation of all of its members, a level of mutual understanding, respect and trust must exist in order for it to function for an extended period of time. On a side note, daily interactions with people require likewise if one wishes not to become a miscreant. This is the groundwork which lets a band grow over time, and the music it produces reflects these changes. In our case, we have arrived at a point where the musical and personal common ground no longer existed between us and Levan as he felt he wishes to make music not all of usagreed upon. More importantly he wanted to make music that was individually his alone. This is a wish we respect as we understood sometimes the path you have to take is divergent from that of others. At the same time we had to reconcile ourselves to the fact that the band itself was too personally important an endeavor for any of us to pursue while making a solo album simultaneously. After a many discussions and much deliberation we decided it would best to let Levan be free to do his own thing.

The final show with our old line up will be on the 23rd of June, 1500-1800H at Orchard Cineleisure.

As for the four of us, we fully intend to continue making music. Currently no new candidates for lead singers have been considered but we have not ruled out any possibilities just yet. It is a period of big change for us, and we ask for your patience as well as continued love and support which has brought us so much in the past. Rest assured however that if there are any concrete developments, you will be the first to know and you will hear it from us, here, before anywhere else.

Keep on rockin',

The Ronin Team: Sean, Bang, Simon, Derryn.
I was looking forward to their next album..well,seems that it's not gonna happen soon.

Good luck to both sides in pursuing their interests in music.
I'll address all these issues once Rock For Wayne is over, and the absolute truth to what happened, from both sides.. But right now, more important things are happening and I don't want them to distract from the goal that so many friends have come together to make happen.

Seeya guys at RFW.
No offence whatsoever, but alot of people thinks that Levan from Ronin IS called Ronin.

I guess alot of you should have noticed it too? :wink:
i saw ronin at cine today.

i was disappointed. total lack of professionalism to me.if this is your last show or something, your should not let your audience feel "sian"..

seriously, there is no problem about their playing.Though its a little sloppy. but the attitude they gave is totally boring me. I left not even after a song.. too dead i would say..

just my 2cents
after 4 years of giving it our alll in every gig, i'm sure you can let us off for one show where we wanted to slack like the old days when we had just formed :) and laughed amongst ourselves on stage like we did when we had just formed.

Besides my heart was at Rock For Wayne and Astroninja. I didn't feel like performing like a nut case for two shows, and obviously rock for wayne was more important than any ronin show. And if you felt 'sian' because we were so chilled and relaxed at the gig and for once, playing for ourselves to chill, too bad. We're not your performing monkeys all the time, apologies :P

i missed the concert, but managed to watch the stompcast on it. HOnestly I agree with Levan, last performance, let it chill and let it relax and lay back... the chemistry is no longer there, but stil listening singing to thier songs for the last time, does feel kinda sad.... oh well.. look forward to both thier new works....
even if u felt 'sian', im sure u owe it to your fans, who went down to see u guys for the last time and to the mattress ppl who invited ya'll to perform.

yes astRONINja's gig might have been your priority but without RONIN, we probably wouldn't have seen astRONINja at all.

no offence. just my thoughts.
I think what they expected was a professional effort for a show where professional fees were paid. I agree that they have had pretty wild shows in the past, but I was also surprised at the short set.

If not for the fans, if not for the exposure, not like they really need exposure, then maybe just for the people who paid for a service from a band that's usually been consistently entertaining and worth paying for.

If it was a free show, i'd agree with MadWereWolfBoy.

(i'm not talking about the audience of course, they didn't pay, but i'm talking about the clients)
You do have a point there. I apologized if I sounded a bit rash in the previous post to your comments. My bad!

I wasn't supposed to even perform at the show, but because of my friendship with Sean (one of my best friends for 12 years) I thought it'd be cool to just perform with my buddy again. But if there's one thing we have never taken for granted, it's the people who supported.us for all these years. We've always had a close connection with them at all the shows we've had, and we did the school tour to get even closer to them (And further away from their teachers haha!)

But anyway I'll share everything soon. Just give me a few days to settle some stuff kays? I REALLY need a break after this hectic month

Hey there

Here's the STOMPCast of the remaining four members of Ronin.



I think they gave a pretty fair and unbiased perspective and explanation for almost everything. :)

I'm doing the STOMPCast on my side of the story soon. But it's more or less the same thing, so not much scandal there haha! We did give a damn sloppy last performance though. Apologies on that if you were there. It's hard to be otherwise when you don't jam for months.

It is easier to have a difficult parting, than to sell a lie to friends and fans.

i'm a huge ronin fan and i'm sad to see them part ways, but it's better to be doing what you want to do than to be stuck in an unhappy partnership where everybody suffers.

i hope to see ronin continue, somehow, and i hope to see more from levan as well.

cheers guys

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