Letting go off drum stuff cheap! (WITH PICS!) vintage snare stand, dw pedal,metronome


New member
Letting go of the above items.
Pictures: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...0985137001906.411194.534126905&type=3&theater

1. Ludwig Vintage Snare stand. You can see the Chicago mark on it - was the snare stand that came with an Acrolite.
You can see the curved hooks on the snare, don't see snare stand like that anymore.
It makes a good ornament even if you dont have snare to put on it. Asking for 30.

2. Tama Rhythm Watch - 120
Had this baby with me for a while and still holding up great. Pics show powered on and powered off.
Working perfectly fine.

3. DW 5000 pedal - 150
Had this under-utilised pedal with me for the longest time. Willing to let go at this low pricing. I think a new one costs more than
2x more? This one was made in the USA, as compared to the 5000s now that are manufactured in Taiwan I think.

Anyway if you're interested in any of them, just sms to 81003255. I'll try to accomodate you if possible but if you're lowballing, don't bother a reply from me.
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