Les Paul Copy Burny Tokai Greco etc.....

hmmm.. went yamaha about two days back and there was this cny sale going on... a burny lp was selling for about $645.. white with gold hardware.. not bad..
the best is to slowly save up for a gibson. its no point getting something cheap and know that you would get another one in the future. just save the money now and spend it all on something that you really like, your dream guitar. just voicing out... :D
backstab21 said:
the best is to slowly save up for a gibson. its no point getting something cheap and know that you would get another one in the future. just save the money now and spend it all on something that you really like, your dream guitar. just voicing out... :D

i would take a tokai/burny over a gibson anyday. the QC on gibson's is atrocious and you're paying for the name anyhow.
unsane, +1 to that.

MrE, you should try out a MIJ burny, it is very diff from the RLC-45 you have. the RLC is value for money, but the MIJ is really the one to go for if you want it to compare to a real Gibson.

But i think i will still stand for Orville by Gibson anytime.
turtlemuscle said:
MrE, you should try out a MIJ burny, it is very diff from the RLC-45 you have. the RLC is value for money, but the MIJ is really the one to go for if you want it to compare to a real Gibson.

But i think i will still stand for Orville by Gibson anytime.

Yeah i'm very sure you're right dude... mine is a budget Burny, but it was my first decent electric (after first owning a 2nd hand Vantage superstrat), so it was a massive upgrade.

But it's rare to find MIJ burnys, except through second hand dealers like Orange Guitars (which also brings in 2nd hand Orvilles :D)

i am tempted to try the MIJ Tokai, or maybe get an Orville through Orange Guitars, because i've heard alot abt Orvilles as well. But at the moment i am more inclined to saving up for a Gibson classic LP. When that time comes, i will make a fair comparison between the Gibson and the MIJ Tokai - brand name or not.
same feeling here.. +1 to unsane..

i have a friend who bought a mij super grade burny from orange guitar.. went with him to test out the guitar.. the craftsmanship and finishing on it was absolutely perfect!!! and if u played a burny and a gibson blindfold, u really can't tell the difference, its that good.. so if wanna get a lp, get a either the orville by gibsn, the sound quality comes close, or a burny super grade mij... IMO, these two are well crafted guitars, matching or soemtimes surpassing gibson's quality...

Twice the value for half the price 8)
Hold on guys,I'm getting confused here. Is MrE having the MIJ or MIK Burny.
The model RLG45C is it the standard or custom model.And as mentioned by RazrAsh The Burny LP "super grade" MIJ how does this fit in.
I hope someone can help me understand better.
guys...since u guys tokin about LP here...what do u guys think about the Edwards LP from ESP? i personally think its pretty good
yamaha will give 15 or 20% (couldt rem) on guitars if u are a member, even if you are not, u should be to enjoy the discount and get the membership card as well
MidnightBlues said:
Hold on guys,I'm getting confused here. Is MrE having the MIJ or MIK Burny.
The model RLG45C is it the standard or custom model.And as mentioned by RazrAsh The Burny LP "super grade" MIJ how does this fit in.
I hope someone can help me understand better.

mine is the Made in Korea Burny - The RLG45C is a standard model (similar in construction to the RLG45), but whose cosmetics are modelled after the Gibson custom LP (i.e. headstock/neck/body binding, gold hardware).

The MIJ burnys are much better of course, and there are diff models within the MIJ range. The 'super-grade' is the highest range of the MIJ Burny models.

Japanese guitar fans, correct me if i am wrong :P
ItAcHi said:
guys...since u guys tokin about LP here...what do u guys think about the Edwards LP from ESP? i personally think its pretty good

I've always been wanting to order one in from davis hehe~ One guitarist in the j-rock band 'D' is using that edwards LP and it's really stunning..

RazrAsh said:
hmmm.. went yamaha about two days back and there was this cny sale going on... a burny lp was selling for about $645.. white with gold hardware.. not bad..

By the way if that burny LP in yamaha is selling at $645, good price grab it!!!
Kiyoharu said:
ItAcHi said:
guys...since u guys tokin about LP here...what do u guys think about the Edwards LP from ESP? i personally think its pretty good

I've always been wanting to order one in from davis hehe~ One guitarist in the j-rock band 'D' is using that edwards LP and it's really stunning..

really?? me too...plan to order one at june...which model u wanna order?
How much is the Edward LP cost?
Kiyoharu, my memory is a bit rusty but if I'm not wrong I bought from you your Epi pickup. This pickup tone is much cleaner and brighter than my stock pickup.
Itachi the model is E-LD-85CD eh let's not get the same model okie? haha!

MidnightBlues so it's you!! My pickups has got pretty good reviews at harmony central if you check it out.. The edwards LP should be around 1.3k depending on how much davis want to sell.. i've always been keeping track of how they price their edwards.. the edwards/esp japan models that they order in themselves will usually be cheaper.. but if you place an order they calculate according to the catalogue price in yen.. which is not updated because the actual price tend to drop as time goes by.. There's a time they order in the dir en grey die's edwards artist model telecaster.. the selling price in japan is 1.2k.. but they're selling it at $600 only.. and they're still making money.. you know that the cost price is lower than that..
Kiyoharu said:
Itachi the model is E-LD-85CD eh let's not get the same model okie? haha!

hahaha...nah..im getting the E-LP85SD vintage honeyburst color...urs is very nice man...i prefer the one without the pickguard..haha
oh i forgot to say i want the black one.. which is without the pickguard.. yours is very nice also.. if i were to get a flame maple top i'll get that one too..
MrE said:
What was the condition of the MIJ Burny that your friend bought?

very near mint.. only a lil buckle wear on the back.. almost mint condition... and it was like 30 over years old..
MrE said:
MidnightBlues said:
Hold on guys,I'm getting confused here. Is MrE having the MIJ or MIK Burny.
The model RLG45C is it the standard or custom model.And as mentioned by RazrAsh The Burny LP "super grade" MIJ how does this fit in.
I hope someone can help me understand better.

mine is the Made in Korea Burny - The RLG45C is a standard model (similar in construction to the RLG45), but whose cosmetics are modelled after the Gibson custom LP (i.e. headstock/neck/body binding, gold hardware).

The MIJ burnys are much better of course, and there are diff models within the MIJ range. The 'super-grade' is the highest range of the MIJ Burny models.

Japanese guitar fans, correct me if i am wrong :P

you're absolutely right in that aspect... IMO, the quality is really as good or even better than a gibson... gibsons are overated..

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