no, Roz is in the US. He uses dental plastic to make the moulds for the LED arrays...and in a pro setting, side LEDs work well, ..
In answer to your preference: I do not know anyone in the world who has installed LEDs on frets. I should think this is physically impossible until someone makes a hard as metal plastic which will take some electric current and an LED array.
If you want to have LEDs on your fingerboard fascia, and this is what you intended to communicate, then you have to have invasive woodworking and retrofit electronics.
The following need to be done:
1. removal of fretboard and removal of position markers.
2. preparation of lens in the size and shape of you position markers, or cut to the shape of the desired position marker.
3. selection of LEDs
4. calc of current draw, votlage feed, and attenuation of LEDs (most LEDs are much brighter than you need them to be.)
5. routing underside of fingerboard,
6 routing channel on underside of fingerboard, fitiing of LEDs and resitors.
7 wiring to the body, invase woodworking to body.
8 installation of power pack and switch.
9 resinstallation of fingerboard.
SIMs custom will do this for approximately 300 quid... or roughly 900 SGD. To pay a luther to do this will be pretty much be in the same number bracket. You can do this yourself, if you have a Dremel router, clean woodworking and marquetry skills and some pro-level luthier's disassembly & ungluing skills, some electronic skills, some knowledge of LED lenses, some knowledge of LED wiring. It's an intricate job and it is certainly no entry level DIY hack job.