LEDs and whammy bar.


New member
i saw a few bassists had LED lights on their fretboard board..
and a whammy bar attached in the case of Les Claypool.
i was wondering is it possible to get it done here..?
and how much will it cost to had it made?
LEDs shouldn't be a problem .. i think you've gotta get the stuff and bring it down for them to install ..

whammy bars are a little tougher .. if you've seen those stratocaster whammy bar installations you'd know that a space has to be carved out at the back of the body to install the springs and also on your bridge to install the whammy bar bridge. You can't just install the whammy bar like that .. you need a special bridge to get it done .. and i don't think that will be too cheap ..

whammy bars are best installed on custom bodies ... not preferably on the stock basses most of us are using now ...

double whammy yo...
haha thanks bros..
i jus wanna put LEDs in my fret markers
i dunno how much it will be..
i have asked a couple workshops but they dun do it..
any shops to recommend to get it fix up?
whammy is not so important to me though..
Thank you
the leds are best placed before the fret board is glued to the neck piece ... i can't think of any other ways at tha moment ... :D
can anyone highlight to me a performance or a song or whatever where a whammy bar on a bass is tastefully used?
but when the whammy is used, is the sound really that obvious? as the bass freq range is already low, when you dive, it get lower?
kinda scarly to be using it right?
What if you twist a bit too hard the whole string snap or something, *SNAP* hits the face... OWwwww... :evil: :smt089
incara said:
but when the whammy is used, is the sound really that obvious? as the bass freq range is already low, when you dive, it get lower?

i'm guessing you save it for high notes?
liqnitro said:
kinda scarly to be using it right?
What if you twist a bit too hard the whole string snap or something, *SNAP* hits the face... OWwwww... :evil: :smt089

less likely with bass strings than guitar strings imo
visa said:
liqnitro said:
kinda scarly to be using it right?
What if you twist a bit too hard the whole string snap or something, *SNAP* hits the face... OWwwww... :evil: :smt089

less likely with bass strings than guitar strings imo

but if they snap... it'll be worst right?
Side Dots:
If you want a cheap alternative to SIMS leds, - who OEM for 90% of manufacturers who install LEDs anyway, try : www.fretfx.com

For the kids here, yes I know these people and I know the manufacturers, not as a retail customer, I know a lot of things, and I also know that in SG you pay more money for common Cod fish, by calling it Snow fish.

I have had Roz at fretfx )they were called hotdotz back in the day) make me some custom stuff though he doesn't make custom orders anymore, the stock stuff works and I hhave it on a few instruments. You can order online, and they work well. I don't know anywhere where someone in SG might be playing in a dark stage... from my memory of clubs and stages..... the mentality is the same as the street lights - ...you practically do not need headlights for driving at night in SG, it is so bright everywhere. But if you want to use this, it works, you don't feel the bump, it installs cleanly .. but you will have a battery box on your headstock. The weight is negligble. All you really need the is the low setting.

You can make a mod to install the powerpack in the body, I have done it, but it is finnicky and involves invasive woodwork, and you'd need to know what you are doing. It is not a simple solder job.
no, Roz is in the US. He uses dental plastic to make the moulds for the LED arrays...and in a pro setting, side LEDs work well, ..

In answer to your preference: I do not know anyone in the world who has installed LEDs on frets. I should think this is physically impossible until someone makes a hard as metal plastic which will take some electric current and an LED array.

If you want to have LEDs on your fingerboard fascia, and this is what you intended to communicate, then you have to have invasive woodworking and retrofit electronics.

The following need to be done:

1. removal of fretboard and removal of position markers.
2. preparation of lens in the size and shape of you position markers, or cut to the shape of the desired position marker.
3. selection of LEDs
4. calc of current draw, votlage feed, and attenuation of LEDs (most LEDs are much brighter than you need them to be.)
5. routing underside of fingerboard,
6 routing channel on underside of fingerboard, fitiing of LEDs and resitors.
7 wiring to the body, invase woodworking to body.
8 installation of power pack and switch.
9 resinstallation of fingerboard.

SIMs custom will do this for approximately 300 quid... or roughly 900 SGD. To pay a luther to do this will be pretty much be in the same number bracket. You can do this yourself, if you have a Dremel router, clean woodworking and marquetry skills and some pro-level luthier's disassembly & ungluing skills, some electronic skills, some knowledge of LED lenses, some knowledge of LED wiring. It's an intricate job and it is certainly no entry level DIY hack job.