Led Zeppelin World Tour Reunion!!!


New member
After their reunion gig recently at Millenium Dome in London, there have been alot of rumours that Led Zeppelin announced a World Tour maybe beginning Late next year or something. My Dads friend was at the show in London and they had supposedly announced it, so keeo your eyes peeled all over the internet cause if they come Asia Im so going!!

expect high prices and people of ALL ages!! if they come to Asia, whre do u guys think it will be held? japan? hoohoo
^ yeah,I think Japan. Singapore is too small to accommodate all the fans from all over Asia. Unless they visit a few dates in Asia,then they at least can consider Singapore.
There been words goin around that Plant and Krauss coming here for show. Both will be touring together next year in support of their album. Chances of a Led Zep show here will be pretty slim even though i would love to see em'. Guess have to catch them in the states next year at some music fest.
I was actually at the reuinion gig, and unfortunately they didnt announce a tour, but it is heavily rumored, altho i imagine the chances of coming to singapore are slim, led zeppelin hold grudges and after being refused entry to singapore in the 70's they might not return, but i would imagine if they do a tour japan would be a certainty, they have played ther several times before! And yeh it was John Bonhams son Jason on the drums, and he was fantastic! The whole gig was, you can download a torrent of it on isohunt if anyone is interested, just seach led zeppelin 02 arena!
Long live Led Zeppelin!

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