

New member
i will go on guitar practicing frenzy before army, in june.. so i will be off untill dunno when... bahbbaiiiii
ARGH... another one! DHALIFFFFF.... log in whenever you can ok? this forum won't be the same without you! i know you will continue to practise hard and i KNOW you will emerge an even better player.... eh, remember to sign autograph for me then hoh? :wink:
omg.. when they shave your head....
remember to shout at the officers.

"u may have my body but you will never have my heart!"

wah..dhaliff will soon be super fit and macho liaoz...
dhalif, i will post the video of you jamming with andy timmons when you ....

1130am Local Time - Shocking news just in, Dhaliff, local shredder and Yngwie advocate, has had to leave soft.com for a higher calling, that of serving his nation and homeland, Singapore.
The young shredder, a recent graduate of the School of Audio engineering here, slipped into the local guitar community inconspicously, stunning veterans and beginners alike with his technique and amazing speed and agility, both on the fretboard...and off.
A recent interview with the young maestro and prodigy has revealed that his reasons for leaving the community are more obligatory than voluntary.
Come June 4th, this boy will be turned into a man, over a perilous period of 2 years, where most young singaporeans have to undergo a compulsory and oft dreaded time of frolicking in the mud and gazing aimlessly into oblivion as one stands rigid in the dead of night, guarding against nothing in particular, realizing that one's very existence has been bought by the govermin for the next 2 years...for a very small price...
The communtiy mourns the loss of one as great as young dhaliff, and he shall always be remembered for his encourgaging posts and amazing and mind-boggling licks, both on the fretboard...and off.

keke. enjoy ur stint bro. it ain't as bad really...can be quite fun...like i said...take everything with a pinch of salt...and enjoy the moments of laughter, of bobo shooters, of fellow recruits who can't throw the grenade and you have to sit it out for the next 30mins while the bomb disposal squad arrives to defuse a dud, realizing ur book out time is now a fairy tale...and...ok i stop now...
The communtiy mourns the loss of one as great as young dhaliff, and he shall always be remembered for his encourgaging posts and amazing and mind-bggling licks, both on the fretboard...and off.
:cry: :cry: he was a great man! I'm sure he'll be alive in all of us, his music lives on.

Adios amigos. i'll cya there next year. bring ur guitar to the army.
was very tempted to say that^^ but it isnt funny especially after the entire nation gave Mr Wee Kim Wee a moment of silence
u all make it sound like he is never gonna come online and say something like "yngwie is the best....now u can flame me".

enjoy ur time in there brother.
dahlifffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! No one's going to "OIIIIII" me anymore wth hahahahaha :)
K brother,take care...pas bmt bleh enjoy sikit!Don't 4get we all ha!Babai :smt035
I havent been here to know who you are but you seem like a good contributer to soft, so have a good one mate and come back and visit :D

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