Have u been for an audition for a guitar slot and then the guitarist ask u to play what he plays? he's aware that you're many times better than him but only ask u to play rhythm for the band. You know if u play lead u can create better melodies out of simple note for note lead/fill-ins that he plays. I can even play lefthanded better than him. Then he said he'll call u but he never did becoz he wants to be the lead guitaist for the band. WTH.
To me, a guitar player is a guitar player. There is no such thing as lead guitarist or rhythm guitarist/ 1st guitars and 2nd guitars. Just give the name guitars and then whoever create the solo/fill-ins he play the lead lah for that song. why got such ppl like this huh? Why cant just give and take. Share and care so can learn from each other?
I guess nowadays the trend is all about glamour.
To me, a guitar player is a guitar player. There is no such thing as lead guitarist or rhythm guitarist/ 1st guitars and 2nd guitars. Just give the name guitars and then whoever create the solo/fill-ins he play the lead lah for that song. why got such ppl like this huh? Why cant just give and take. Share and care so can learn from each other?
I guess nowadays the trend is all about glamour.