Lead Guitarist that only wants the name


New member
Have u been for an audition for a guitar slot and then the guitarist ask u to play what he plays? he's aware that you're many times better than him but only ask u to play rhythm for the band. You know if u play lead u can create better melodies out of simple note for note lead/fill-ins that he plays. I can even play lefthanded better than him. Then he said he'll call u but he never did becoz he wants to be the lead guitaist for the band. WTH.

To me, a guitar player is a guitar player. There is no such thing as lead guitarist or rhythm guitarist/ 1st guitars and 2nd guitars. Just give the name guitars and then whoever create the solo/fill-ins he play the lead lah for that song. why got such ppl like this huh? Why cant just give and take. Share and care so can learn from each other?

I guess nowadays the trend is all about glamour.

I think for this issue you could look at both sides of the coin... for example, sometimes why lead guitarists can get rather egotistical is because:

1. in the case of sharing and all, sometimes it's easier to do the job oneself compared to teaching another person, especially when jamming time costs money. Unless the band members are so dedicated they find time to sit down outside of the studio to work their parts out.

2. unless there is an existing compromise or understanding, lead players always tend to want to show off. It's just natural exhibitionism... how can you curb that?

3. usually a lead player has one major or maybe a few styles he/she is proficient in. In order to ensure that within a song the solos do not sound too similar to one another, especially when played by different guitarists, the 2nd lead player should have a slightly different style. If the styles are too similar, can lead to the first guy feeling trampled over.

4. when it comes to give and take, it is also ultimately up to the character and maturity of the players... some people are control freaks, others are walk-overs. Some are wishy-washy anything-goes folks... it all depends on who you end up with.

As a lead guitarist and vocalist for my trio band... there is only a bass player and my drummer to feed off. The reason why I never feel like bringing in a rhythm player is because, I am first and foremost a rhythm player who simply is able to play lead. Furthermore, my band members see no need to bring in anybody else because our style is all about simplicity, and it's also a great personal challenge to fill in the gaps without resorting to having additional personnel.

In general I see no great trend about glamour. Glamour has always been around, and it's more about how much glamour one personally craves and is willing to share with his bandmates. Some bands are built around shining the light on one or two leading bandmates, others are a balance of all personnel, some prefer to have all playing in the dark. So how?

If you encounter a guitar player who is inferior to yourself, why not just gently let them go? It's no loss to you or your band, I'd imagine. Especially when you know you can handle the job well if not even better. If the guitarist of the band auditioning you feels threatened by your technical prowess and chooses not to bring you in, then suck thumb lah. Form your own band.

Just my thoughts.
for my case, in my old band, me and my other guitarist just took turns, he's like better in scales and sweeping while im more of a tapping and hammer on type, so we take turns to play the solos..

yeah, alot of people play just for fame, but me and my guitarist just made sure we had a equal share of lead la, like take turns to play lead for diff song, so everyone happy and just have fun jamming :)

anyway, no use thinking over this matter la, if u guys already think so differently in the jamming, most probably gonna have more conflicts about lead/rhythm along the road, so just keep on looking for a hardworking band that finds u worthy of being lead and really wants u to be a guitarist in their band, im pretty sure its easy for a guitarist of average standard to find a band here in singapore :)
i am lucky to be lousy guitarist who wants to be a lead guitarist with much better
guitarist frens who want to be rhythm. wait. its that lucky or unlucky? ok wait. i want
to be rhythm guitarist too. eh i also want to be vocalist. oh crap.
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i am lucky to be lousy guitarist who wants to be a lead guitarist with much better
guitarist frens who want to be rhythm. wait. its that lucky or unlucky? ok wait. i want
to be rhythm guitarist too. eh i also want to be vocalist. oh crap.

u kinda good wat
be like me lor
play bass ar
i run and do solo(like real........) hheheeheh. ok lets just say i want to be like slash. then i wanna be like james hetfield. aiya solo not all over the song right...heh. but heck i cant stay still when performing.

Liberator: that one yesterday havent high yet. i high u die. heheh.
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From what I see, you think playing rhythm is a step down. No, it's not.

Izzy was great and wrote so many songs.
So did Hetfield.
So you're ranting because they didn't pick you for the lead guitarist role, well I mean, couldn't you always find another band if you're so much better? Your new band would also be so much better don't you think? ;)
nobody's ranting here plastic. im still looking for a suitable band. treat it like an introduction in my search for a new band. like an ad. :P

i got your point daddy. by sharing doesn't mean u have to teach. whoever create the song, he'll play the lead.

yes i do look on both sides. to me, one side of the coin is the guitar player just wants the spotlight on him. another side, i want it too. why not share? by sharing we can learn, u and ur band can progress.

some ppl dont play music for only entirely glamour. its all about passion. if u love music, u'll appreciate what others can contribute for your band not feel threatened by it. Learn from it coz it'll make u better. but i understand, there are not many ppl like me nowadays. :P i guess kids nowadays are too influenced by the culture and glamour of those western bands... come on, we're in singapore.

y not let go? did i say i can't let go? i dont wanabe in a band with that kind of guitar player. i tink these ppl should realise playing music is not entirely about glamour.

and it can even lead to this..its not unusual...have u been in a band when u jam or play live together, the other guitarist just want to sound louder than you? or the drummer hit damn hard and the bassist cant hear himself and crank up the volume. this is not music. where is the volume control? as an individual who realli loves music, realli passionate about music, i say this is crap. these ppl are crap.
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Urmm maybe that guy don't think that you fit into the band's music? Don't be an egoist and take such a rejection as an insult towards your brilliant skill. There are other aspects in music other than being good/proficient in technicality. You can play with your butthair but that doesn't mean the band would want to have a player like that.

I respect your opinion on there are only guitarists and no lead guitarists, cause I believe in that.
agreed to plastic. its usually the rhythm guitarist who write songs. they are equally important.
james hetfield proved wonders for metallica. though he still can be described as
vocal/rhythm/lead. and he is not a step down from kirk. in izzy's n slash case, its rather
normal to see people going wow to slash rather than izzy, but the matters behind the
songs are different.

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everybody can become better musicians with time, dedication and practice.

as long as character and attitude are good. that's what really counts, for me.





Not happy? Don't play with them lor......As simple as ABC
Oh ya btw, you yourself are being egoistic by saying that you're better than him.

Relax lah, if he does'nt wanna play with you then sua.

Go solo best. you BKL(bao ka liao)
im better in terms of technicality and thats obvious. i won't admit im better than someone if im not. thats not egoistic. search for the definiton of egoistic first please.
e·go·ist (g-st, g-)
1. One devoted to one's own interests and advancement; an egocentric person.

Sorry, had to. ^^