Late SOFT jam entry...

i wasnt there dude, i was told the winner is a guy named daniel tan. hehe so I thought of you. u might be wondering how I know your name, well back in guitar battle u onced messaged me cause i was singapore and u introduced urself as daniel.hehe. so wat track did u solo over? the rock one or the funk one? 8)
AH... I do miss the days of Guitarbattle... :( Sad that it had to close!

I soloed over the rock one... this guy called Jason passed it to me over msn so I really dont know where that jam is now... decided to post a section of it then...

I'd like to join in the jams... always cool to hear what others play too...

hey dan, remember me, i was at g77 once. u were with ur ibanez with rui and then i jammed technical difficulties?

then we play with the low output humbucker metal guitar and started bitching about the pickups.

haha, nice to see u hear.
Haha, seems like I DO know some ppl here after all! :)

I guess I should get yahoo messager... GB days were so much fun!

See you guys on it someday soon!
