Laser Sticks/Headstocks/Rings


New member
Here's something interesting and fun.

Definitely for those interested in doing something different.




And who says drummers can't have fun as well...........


J&M Guitars

'laser finger things' causes retina damage when observed up close.

It's a method used by Sheehan so that people looking closely at his fingerwork will be his trade secrets are kept safe...

"You pay for the concert ONLY, not to secretly learn my my instructional video instead!"

I prefer the LEDS than the laser finger thingie. Brings the guitar alive. Just checked out the prices for fitting a neck with them, rather costly.. I'd only do it if i win the lottery man..
I'll do better by taping a lightstick to the

the problem about being too flashy is that if u ever get on stage....the people will expect you to burst into a seamless solo and shred effortlessly and serenade them with the most melodic piece ever....

I dunno...too stressful... I rather carry a seemingly thrashed up guitar on stage...and play a short simple solo when they were expecting green day punk...

btw, my previous post was a "joke"....i hope u guys realise it... lol
Haha the stress factor. But then, you could look at it as a great help, ya know, able to see your neck under dark stage circumstances. Or maybe, that once in a while practice in your room with the lights off for kicks ;) For songs, turn it on only when you solo. Hmm i'm dreaming but i think it'll be really cool.
i wish too!!!

haha... but the idea of making a major boo boo with that is so funny...

Think if i was in that situation and I freeze...I'll juz do vogue madonna hand gestures to entertain the crowd....hopefully by not blinding myself in the process.... the show must go on!! lol

i wonder if u need to install batteries...
Yea, it needs a 9 volt. Stats are all on the website. That's the downside, if i were to put it on my strat, i'd have to route a hole in the back for the battery. Not a very attractive thing to do i should say.
wow.. thats damn cool.. kinda reminds me of the "i believe in a thing called love " video.

the drumsticks looks soo damn like light sabers lol