lame joke of the day

another stolen joke.

which on king arthur's knight designed the round table?


Dispatcher: 9-9-5 What's the nature of your emergency?
Caller: My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart.
Dispatcher: Is this her first child?
Caller: No, you idiot! This is her husband!
drummar-buah said:
haha judapiss nice one!!!
BUT DUDE!! UR SPOILING THIS THREAD!! it's supposed to be LAME!! not funny!! wahahha

Damn dude! I'm sorry man, wasn't quite paying attention there...
Lame joke? Let's see, how about this one:

Question: What type of bird has its wings on its head, the beak on its back, its legs on its sides and its eyes totally missing?

Answer: The type of bird that had just been stepped on.
ok..erm, here's my contribution..

Eve: "Did you hear the latest about Jane Simmons who lives over on the next block? "
Sheli: " No, what about her?"
Eve: "She had triplets. Then not two weeks later, she had twins."
Sheli: "That's Impossible.! How did it happen?"
Eve: "One of the triplets got lost."
a blonde n a top-knotch lawyer were sitting next to each other in a plane. the lawyer took a look at the blonde n thought she was a typical blonde bimbo n came up wit a game to get quick cash outta her. so the lawyer turned to her n said,
lawyer - "shall we play a game?"
bimbo - "sure."
lawyer- "ok, heres how we play it. i'll ask u a question, n if u cant answer, u give me $5. n when u ask me your question, n shld i not be able to answer ur question, i'll er, haha, give you $50."
bimbo - "ok sounds like fun..!"
now, the lawyer, decided to put his stake up so high because she look like a typical bimbo who doesnt know anything so, what possible question wld she come up that wld stump him..?
lawyer - "ok, first question, whats the distance between the earth n the
the bimbo scratches her head, n finally dug into her purse n gave the lawyer 5 bucks.
bimbo - "ok my turn. mhmm, what has four legs, goes up a hill with 3 legs, n comes down wit 1 leg."
the lawyer thought n thought but he cldnt came up wit an answer. he called all his friends but they too cldnt come up wit one. he checked the net but to no avial. finally, the lawyer reluctantly gave the 50 to the eager bimbo.
lawyer - "but wait, what is the answer..??"
the bimbo looked at him, n thought for awhile. then she proceeded to give him another five.
1)what do elephants fly with??

with difficulty.....

2)patient: 'doctor! doctor! i think i'm invisible!'

doctor: 'who said that?!'

3)if you put a roster egg on a roof, which side will it fall to? the left r the right?

rosters don't lay eggs!

4)a young scout was having his job week and went to a rich man's house to ask for a job... the rich man answered the door and indeed needed to 'make use' of the scout and said 'i'll give you $10 if you paint my porch' the young boy agreed and set off with paint and paint brushes.....

the rich man, smug about having the day off... proceeded to laze around..... his wife, who knew he has to paint the porch scolded him for putting the job off.... ' relax.... there's this young dope who is doing it for $10'

15 minutes later, the young lad returned and said he was done....

'i'm done sir.... and i finished the first coat so fast, i even paintd a second coat for you...'

the rich man, pleased on hearing the great news, gave him $20 instead of $10......

the young lads took the money, turned and started walking away.....

when he turned back and said..........

'by the way sir....... it's not a porch..... its a ferrari......'
duno if this is lame enuf...
Q:who's the happiest man on earth...
A:KFC Colonal..u see him smile everyday..

Q:if a man and a cheetah were to race,who would be ahead?
A:man...coz did u ever see a man chase a cheetah?
