
i saw the vid .. the guitar tone was cheesy .. the bass player looked really cool with her olympic white lakland .. hahha .. but too low lah .. i always prefer bass players who hang their basses high ..

ala abe laboriel ..
haha i think for one so small, a high bass would look really really weird. nothing really constructive to add to this topic but yeah... she's rocking that bass :)
funny it is.. some droip their bass so low... Look more rock is it? I just cant play when its so low... i always keep to stomach level. What about u guys?
same la. cant tap if its too low. but at the same time i dun wanna look so geeky with my bass so high up. maybe when i'm older. not nice to have your bass so high up when ur young.
for me it's situational. at jazz gigs when i have to walk, it's about stomach/navel level. for rock it's around my belt buckle area. diff techniques feel more comfy at diff levels for me.
Yo Man.... PM the procedures to get a Lakland SL series. How much was thata in total? Tempting me man....... So excited bout it.

erm okay here's the thing. if you want a shoreline because u want a 55-94, don't bother. the shoreline is skyline specs, plastic nut, hipshot lic, veneer top ( i think it's a veneer top, it looks too thin to be a 100% top, yet it doesn't look THAT thin like a normal veneer, i can't decidE!)

eitherway, have a 4digit number starting with 3 in your wallet.

if you do, THEN pm and ask me for the procedure =)
Or if you want the Skyline series, have a 4 digit number starting with 2 in your wallet and PM me... I can bring one in for you ;)

Chris the one you got is the quilted top ah? Kickass man!