
wow .. okay, i didn't know they had a SHORELINE series ...

anyway, if you asked those who have owned a US made one and a Korean made one they would tell you that the build isn't much of a difference, there's some slight differences in the US and Korean ones ..

Lakland was smart, they actually made the neck fit on the US one different from the Korean ones so that people can't change them like Fenders ... so you can't pass a MIM for a MIA one ...

But tonally, there isn't much different for the US and Korean ones .. just that for the US you get higher grade materials and more colour choices ...
haha.. great exin. Perhaps MIA version is 1 tree chop for 1 Bass. MIJ or MIK is 1 tree chopped for 5 basses. LOLz. Thus cost is double or triple. But upon checking the MIJ Shoreline series. the settings is reasonable. Pick-ups etc. For a price difference. Think unless i really play on concert or become a superstar else spending $7k for a MIA Lakland. Is being too spendthrift..... :roll:

For me perhaps a MIJ version is a killer bass already.... Rest is your groove and fingers.

You can request for a Korean neck from Lakland without the Skyline logo, though. I don't know if they do it anymore but I know it's been done before. The only issue I have with my 44-02 is that the G string is too close to the edge of the fingerboard, so if I try to do some runs too fast it tends to slip off.
HEY! i found that to be a problem with my friend's EBMM stingray5!

but i didnt find that to be a problem on the lakland 55 series?

the 55s without a figured top MIJ are IMO the best deal u can get, about 2-3k SGD. i'm thinking of getting one, except that for that price (3k) there are many other basses available too.
Crispy: What's the problem with the SR5?

I would looooove to get a 55. But I want it in white..Too bad MIJ/MIK versions don't come with that finish.

might be shipping in a SL5594 cherry sunburst map fret ask bod QM top
SGD 2.8k+


anyone else interested.

esp those out there with lotsa GAS!!

hey crispyegg, that's quite an attractive price for the 55-94! Is it used or brand new?
Rey bro, what are you waiting for? :D
waiting for money :lol: no moneyyyy no lakkiee.... :cry:
but one day i shall get my hand on lakland :evil: :evil:
erm it's a standard 55-94 cherry sunburst with maple fretboard.

it's a shoreline btw, i.e. MIJ first hand. it's the price for direct import, but u have to go thru certain means. oh and it doesnt include shipping.
i'm a fan of Japan craftsmanship over American basses hence my decision to get the Lak. gotta ask superkicky about one worry i have tho...
If u get a shoreline Lakland... Share to experience to me pls. Will like to know. In future i maybe get a lakland shoreline series or ESP AP 260 SL-5. Which is similar from ESP directly.

will do. anyway, no shoreline isn't sold directly to international customer, just like many other domestic japanese products. u walk into a japanese guitar store, it's like walking into SECRET SHOP in some RPG.
shoreline models is a collaboration from lakland and ESP. lakland has the design etc and ESP has the manufacturing process. and YES shoreline models cannot be exported. it was design for japanese market only.
you may find them on ebay or other private importer but big chance you won't find it in big stores. but there's also small chance ishibashi and ikebbe gaki would ship out of country..
wa she looks like a dwarf with that huge lakland.

u cant really tell the tone though.

sry if i'm offending others, but i cant stand how they mix eng and mandarin lyrics into songs. phrasing all seems weird. and wad the hell is the guitarist doing with that tiny combo on a huge stage?
About the English grammar stuff, yes I agree, but I can live with it.

Maybe it's Youtube and the "live" noise? The bass tone on the album is great, but some songs are recorded with a Stingray though.

It's still an amp right? And all it needs is having it miked up, a small combo shouldn't be a problem in a big venue. Should have checked out John Petrucci's amps when he came to Singapore. Only two 1x12 speakers, a far cry from his usual 4x12 cabs. Better yet, JP only used one 1x12 speaker in DT's South America tour.