know of any good bass pedals?

hey where to get the sansamp bass di ... i went around bout a mth ago and i was told singapore stock bo liao... so does anyone know where to get one??
Esden Trading(3th floor Sim Lim Square) stocks the SansAmp and is the cheapest among all retailers, however stocks are limited.
new stuff @ Davis that bassists should try if you are into driven tone:

MXR Blowtorch (List: $199)

EBS Valve Drive (List: $399)
For overdrive, the EBS multidrive is very nice. I don't know how they do it, but there is no audible noise when the pedal is on. It also does the EBS tube simulation thing, to create this very big low end sound in an overdriven signal.

If you want a really great driven sound, this is it ;)
Anyone getting the EBS Valvedrive?
There are a lot of other tube-pre amps in the market. Some have an XLR output and can be used as a mic pre-amp. I wonder how these will compare ot the valvedrive which is quite expensive for a tube pre-amp in a market that is saturated with tons of tube pre-amps.
Hey subversion can you do a review of the EBS Valvedrive?