Klein guitars

heh heh.... I'd love to get someone to Klone a Klein for me. Got all the parts on my Steinberger headless.

Need the body. Ikea Pine wood will be nice.

Need the neck. Sawn off Squier neck will be ok.

or you could buy a secondhand ovation breadwinner or deacon and you would be close to the body shape at least
there was one at GC. Couldn't take my eyes off it.

but I couldn't part with my money. :lol:

These ovations are hard to come by.
got pointy headstock? -No? Then this thread is doom

Is it rock looking?- No? Then this thread is confirmed doom

Got any famous geetar soloist using and well known by younger generation? - No? Its a double comfirmed, dead this thread is

does it look like 70s? Then its really doom
The one at GC was an "ovation limited" which is a little different to the breadwinner or the deacon (my preference). When I first started playing in bands (back in the late 70's) our lead guitarist had one and I had never heard a guitar with such variety of tones. I played bass at the time and never did get to play it but it stayed with me.

Since then I have found out that they are not considered a great guitar but the shape has stayed with me. I also have been thinking about getting a luthier to build me one with P90's or P94's a piezo, probably a mahogany body but I would love to get one using Australian tonewoods.

Or maybe try and buy a secondhand klien on TGP :roll: and the services of an excellent marriage councilor

a nice collection of breadwinners etc