Just Wondering.....bout effect of pedals...


New member
yoz bros in the guitar world, can enlighten me on the dif betwen distorsion, metal n overdrive pedals. it makes my very confused.:confused:
Overdrives usually are used to boost the onboard gain of an amp..say u have an M with a whimpy built in distortion & want more..
Ppl uses Distortion where an M does not provide one, or dont want 2 use the onboard distortion.
Metal is a Distortion with more gain & more eq platform like if a Distortion has
a tone knob, Metal pedal break that up to Bass,Treble, High whatsoever.
That, being as layman as I could be..:)
i'll save him the trouble, dime.

overdrive(not much gain): djeng djeng
distortion(higher gain to enable a chugga when palm muted): chugga chugga
metal(is a distortion but even higher gain): CHUUGGA CHUGGA SSSKREEEE DJENG CHUUGGA CHUGGA!!!!!
i'll save him the trouble, dime.

overdrive(not much gain): djeng djeng
distortion(higher gain to enable a chugga when palm muted): chugga chugga
metal(is a distortion but even higher gain): CHUUGGA CHUGGA SSSKREEEE DJENG CHUUGGA CHUGGA!!!!!

hey bro but some overdrives have really high gains . It's still considered an overdrive , e.g Marshalls
lol some one can start thread to document the diff types of sound

then can go sticky it


btw how does normal guitar sound lyk?
twang twang?
hey bro but some overdrives have really high gains . It's still considered an overdrive , e.g Marshalls

haha hey zack, if im not wrong, overdrives are more like used to make the tone more powerful and in your face.. and distortion just adds "zzzzzzz" to ur tone..

normal guitar tone: brenng twaangg
dist: brengzzzzz twangzzzz
od: BRENGz!!!!!! TWANGZ!!!!
wah: braawwaayanngneeii twwwaahyyyannnegeeii
delay: breng breng breng twang twang twang
reverb: breennggggggggg........ twwaannggggg.....
hmm yeah , but its not definitive cause there are loads of variations of overdrives , light and heavy .

Distortion packs more punch , its tight too , e.g mesa boogie's , those amps are hard core .

Vox amps give nice natural overdrives when you turn down the master volume and blast the secondary volume

Fuzz is what Muse and Hendrix uses hahaha , i kinda dig that but i havent found the right fuzz pedal for me yet . Personally when i play in a band as the single guitarist and i want to boost my sound to make it sound full especially if im playing a chord , i turn on the fuzz (Big Muff)
yeah the line is still not yet really defined between overdrive and distortion. i only know that distortions have a bigger punch to allow the chugga in a palm mute.

wahwah sound not like that la bro. its simply "wahwahwahwahwahwah!" haha.

cleans sound? "twang tng tng skreng treng".
after 2 pages, if i really wanna know the differences, i will be more confused than ever

Think the difference in the amount of gain. Of course some brands make overdrives that fit better into the distortion zone but lets not go there. The basic rule of thumb is that overdrive pedals simulate what would happen if you pushed a valvestate (tube) amplifier past its clean channel's tonal limits, resulting in a mildly distorted tone.

So basically overdrives are low gain devices, to add a bit of distortion into a clean tone to make it sound more dirty, or to boost a distortion pedal's volume and gain level for a lead tone. From this I think you can understand what distortion pedals are - the distortion levels are higher than that of overdrives. And high-gain distortion pedals have dual circuitry, resulting in even more distortion (gain is a word used to represent distortion).

So basically to sum up, overdrives provide mild distortion, distortion pedals provide well... distortion, and 'metal' pedals are just more powerful distortion pedals.

Hope this helps! :cool: