Just Wondering About this My Short Song Sample...

well some parts injected me with national pride.. i dunno why.. 8O
i picture like steph sun or some newly elected "singapore star" .... standing in national stadium singing along to this... surrounded by exploited secondary school children running around in formation...all clad in cheap handmade costumes.
Ha ha ha...

Thx for the comment,just debating with my frenzz about the commercial ponit of that songs,so i decided to put up in this forum to find out if there's any comment bout the commercial ponit of it.

y i got problem open this file........

any1 can help?.......

this is wat i got.......

Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.
Your transfer cannot be completed. Most likely the file has exceeded its allotted bandwidth or has been removed by the original sender or a recipient.


i dun know,probably it's already expires or already reach its limit to be download. but i will updated for you.

Thx dude...this not my song actually i just did the whole arranging and composing. if you listen to the raw material bout this song it's not much different with some 80's glam rock sound like so juzz trying to find the other side of the song and hope that can be a commercial one he he he...
Reminds me of church songs to me ... i think it's the progression and the feel that makes it so ... very uplifting ...

To make it more commercial, maybe you might want to slow down the tempo a little bit and make it more groovy on the rhythm ... this way it ll make the song more catchy and people can remember the riffs better ... otherwise it will sound kinda rushing

or if you want to keep the tempo, start slow, then add a more punchier jabs ...expand on the phrase or just use a heavier tone and everyone play the same phrase in different octaves .... and slowly increase the tempo .. that would give da kick .. will got dramatic feel to it

Just a tought though ... no need to mind it .. I like to do song arrangement myself ... he he

but overall, i like the composition. Probably you can add the main melody or the vocal so that we can all listen to it and know how the song goes?

Actually A pastor wrote this songs. but only in a flash you guys already get the atmosphere bout the song. i Agree wif you Mr. Keys Man =) but the song writer want it that way...ha ha ha... so i can't make any confront to him about that he he he... but can try a different way though. actually the song more/less same with the main lead guitar,just add a liitle improv. there and a little licks here but mainly i played the song melody,so u can imagine the song will sounds like, haven't vocal for that yet...he he he