Just Wonder DO You Think That....


New member
Just wonder ,do you guys think that there is too many music shop and jamming studio in Singapore...Do you think that is healthy?
1) State your views first, on the questions you mentioned

2) Healthy for the one who come out with money to open those shops or healthy for consumers?

3) For a more meaningful and intelligent discussion we can have in the forums here(theres already 2 long threads over yesterday/today bout quality of discussion), its perhaps better to discuss whether is it our own perception of thigns or in general, the actual development/state of thing that result in the need, for a thread like this.

Sigh, not another too many thread...
Too many gigs, too much gear and now too many shops?
There can never be too many:) Plus, the competition between companies can sometimes benefit the buyers too. Hehehe.
guys, what do you think will happen when there is TOO MUCH good music? :/

bla bla bla.. haha, so many of these questions. too many gigs, too many shops.

I guess this means the money aspect of it all is going pretty smoothly :D
Either money or passion, both are good motivations. and boobs too :X
Too much "Too Much" thread? How about starting a "Not Enough" thread?

Oh wait, there is one that is forever ongoing: "Not enough local music support". Hmmm...

Ok, maybe not that topic. How about this:

"Not enough music producers being hired or called for help by bands cos they are too opposed of the idea of someone coming in and telling them what sells and what doesn't, thinking that producers are trying to destroy the bands "identity" and "originality" and that he doesn't know jack crap about what makes good music that will appeal to "their audiences"."
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oh no i have too many moneys!! is it bad?

ok seriously...as a consumer, i think its good that there are many studios and shops around as they provide more choices, as well as create competition, so we consumers stand to gain. :)
Theory of Supply in economics taught me that. When Supply exceeds demand, the supply curve shifts to the left causing optimum price level to be lowered.

Theory of Supply in economics taught me that. When Supply exceeds demand, the supply curve shifts to the left causing optimum price level to be lowered.


it should be noted that so far as these items (music shops/jamming studioes) mentioned in this discussion goes, demand is not as elastic as to match the corresponding decrease in prices.

Consider this:
You jam for 2 hours every week at your studio for $20/hr (total $40)
if said studio lowers price to $10/hr would you jam for 4 hours (total $40) *ok la, maybe some will..*
if studio lowers price again cos 2 new studios just opened on the left n right of them to a shocking $5/hr, would u jam for 8 hours? (total $40) *unlikely la...*

There's only that much u can jam before u go deaf / collapse from exaustion.. hahhaa...

So if u end up only jamming for 2 hours @ $5 per hr, the studio only earns $10 compared to before. If this goes on, some of the competitors in the market will no longer be able to sustain their bottomline (and go bust!), thereby reducing the number of market participants, who will re-adjust their pricing again.

Zero-Sum game if u ask me...

sorry just bored random ramblings at 5am on a raining friday night when i can't sleep... hahahaha

better for US to be spoilt for choice in stdudios & guiar shops then for the studios and guitar shops to be spoilt by having so many customers....

Its "buyer" market