Jpop Band


New member
Very keen to restart our Jpop band and looking for semi-serious band mates.

1. 1x Bassist
2. 1x Keyboardist

Prefers age 22 - 27yrs, Singaporeans/ Japanese. Non SAF committed people please.
Females or males welcome, but with decent knowledge of your own instrument and have decency to practice and certain level of commitment.

Drop me some details of your:
1. Past playing experience (Gig? Small Performances?)
2. Type of songs or music you listen to
3. Your goal if you join us?

Fit our bill? Email me:

Love to hear from you soon (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Hi, keyboarder here :) Mind if i ask what kind of j artiste does the band intend to cover?
