Jimmy Page Mod on Rally GL-300. ( split coils and phase switching)


New member
Hey guys,

I want to get my Rally modded with coil splitting and phase switching.
Kinda like what Jimmy Page ( Led Zeppelin lead guitarist) did with his "number 1" Where can i send my guitar to for this mod ? ( i suck at wiring)

Call em up/ email or bring your guitar down to ask for a quote. That would be the most accurate. Whether its worth is up to you.. If you like the guitar's playability or if you're sure you're gona keep this guitar for some time then, go for it!
Thanks Carbox !

@relinquish, how much am i looking at here ? Like, is it worth it for a Rally Gl300 ?

The Jimmy Page wiring has ALOT of different sounds and it's best you know why you want those sound and how you intend to use it. Or else you're gonna waste your cash and find that after modding it you don't really use the mods that much. It is quite costly because the wiring is tedious and replacing all 4 pots with push pull pots cost quite a bit also. Push pull pots cost significantly more than a normal pot.

Anyway if you're a Jimmy Page fan and you want to emulate his sounds, I don't mean to burst your bubble but the whole Jimmy Page wiring is a Gibson thing. Jimmy Page never had any modifications to his wiring on any of his guitars during the Zeppelin era. It was after Led Zep that he started modifying his guitars. #1 barely had any mods done, it was #2 that had those modifications but it is different from the Gibson Jimmy Page signature which made the Jimmy Page wiring famous. In case you are going for a Zeppelin sound, forget about those mods. None of them will get you any Zep sounds.
Thanks for the input guys, especially dudelove.
I heard a lot of demos of split coil guitars on youtube and would like to have that versatility. One thing though,does phase switching really make that much of a difference ? I've a lot of youtube vids and they sound about the same as un phased.
Do you guys think it would be a better idea just to get split coils only ?
One thing though,does phase switching really make that much of a difference ? I've a lot of youtube vids and they sound about the same as un phased.
Do you guys think it would be a better idea just to get split coils only ?

There is a difference. But it's very slight. I'm not a guitar tech and I don't know all the nonsense details and I've never played a Jimmy Page sig before. All I know is that the JP sig has a push pull for phase switching. I've heard how it sounds and to me it doesn't sound like for example Peter Green's out of phased reversed magnet neck pickup, where it sounds thin, nasally and honky when you switch your pickup selector to the middle position. To me that's what out of phase is supposed to sound like. The Jimmy Page model, I have no idea what that phase switching push pull pot actually does to be honest.

At 2:36 you can see him hit the knob back in returning the guitar in phase. And switches the guitar to the bridge pickup. I didn't really hear anything though. Anyway most people mistake Jimmy Pages sound as out of phase because his middle position sounds very thin and nasally itself. In that video you can hear alot of middle position tones that are used much more often live than in the studio.. The only track with a middle position tone I can think of at the back of my head is the solo for The Ocean, really cool solo that one..

Jimmy Page is one tough guy to nail tonally. That man has so many different tones, secrets, and the thing that complicates the most is his horrible memory and often contradicting stories about his guitars so there are many many myths and untrue stories about how he gets his tone.
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Peter Green's distinctive sound comes from having the pickup magnetically out-of-phase.
The Jimmy Page sounds I believe are only electronically out-of-phase.
They are not the same.

As to if it makes a difference, yes it does! The (electronically) out-of-phase sound is weaker and hollow.
I recently made this mod on my guitar, to get the 2 humbuckers out-of-phase with each other.
You will hear the difference when clean for sure!

Also, the Page wiring with the 21 sounds will let you put each pup out-of-phase with itself as well as the 2 pups out-of-phase with each other.
One thing to note about push pull pots though. If you like the smooth even taper of normal volume pots (especially for those volume knobbage swells) push pull pots will lose that taper big time.

They don't clean up as well too - which is why I switched my push pull pots on my Gibson to normal CTS ones. They work fine on tone controls though.
Thanks for all the input guys. I sent an Email to Sound Alchemy about the mod asking about for a general price range. If it's not to pricey i'll get the mod.
i just bought bareknuckles pg blues for my 58 reissue lp. to be honest i was hoping to capture jimmy page tone because i thought its the same " out of phase" thing. if i dont get the jimmy page tone atleast i still get peter green.
yeah man do let us know. I am interested in doing a out of phase mod for my lp as well. hahaha. ofc, you can also try TYMC, i think they offer the service as well?
yeah man do let us know. I am interested in doing a out of phase mod for my lp as well. hahaha. ofc, you can also try TYMC, i think they offer the service as well?

dude, if u r not afraid to use a soldering iron it is quite simple to have the middle position (both pups) on a permanent out of phase mode. just have to switch hot with ground on 1 pup.
Got an autoreply from S.A saying they'll get back to me within 5-7 working days.
Hopefully i get one soon, i'm starting to really want that out of phase neck pickup sound.:p
Hey guys, one more question. What's the difference between out of phase within the humbucker or between both pickups ?

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