Jealous boyfriend beats 3-year old child to death

i hope that my frds and all the hardcore people who are inside will ficuk this guy's as$ everynite.

i hope he will get torture inside everynite.

i hope he cant slp well

i hope he will be burned alive slowly..

i wish the sentence given to him could be heavier
I'm glad they didn't charge him for murder. Putting him in a cell and letting him get tortured by other prisoners and jail wardens for the SHIT that he did to the poor kid is more suitable punishment than simply hanging him.

Twelve strokes? Should be twenty five if you ask me.

His cell kit might include KY-Jelly for you know, that he really needs it, for sure!! Haha..WTF!! "30 days in a hole-Mr. Big" :-D
"he had also grabbed, shaken and bit his genitals" OM NOM NOM, think someone has a gay tendency. I mean, c'mon! Torture also torture la but BITING the genital?! EVEN POL POT WON'T DO THAT! Damn reminds me of Imaginationland (or something) Episode on South Park.

One sort of punishment...pull his fingernails off then sprinkle a little salt on the bare, bleeding flesh. That'll be sweet.
Did the reports mentioned why he wasn't being charged with first degree murder? Even if it's culpable homicide due to temporary insanity, 7 years is way too easy.
i hope that my frds and all the hardcore people who are inside will ficuk this guy's as$ everynite.

Bro...I think this guy will love it lah....see his face lah....wahlau...

I think the hang him slowly...poke his eye till his eyeball pop out with my tremolo. Tie his private part with my old corroded 1st E string. Solder his a$$ with many-many orange drop. Wah...really angry sia with this animal!! He should change his name to s-hole ah...Firdaus means heaven. He's not even close to heaven.
I donno if this man intended to kill the child or not - probably not .. But violence in any form against any defenceless beings ... Especially children any circumstances whether injury or death is involved - warrants a much stiffer penalty ...7 years is way too cheap ... It's like he kena 4d or toto with that "slap on the wrist" sentence.

I say minimum 25 years without chance of parole to wake up his idea ... Death penaty no point ... He shud suffer severely for the entire period of incarceration
If the guy was really feeling so emo, then he should have seeked help from anyone, even a psychiatrist instead of taking matters in his own hands. Looks like he is in much deeper trouble now. Does he have a history of emotional stress/anger?
he should get his genitals bitten instead.

apart from that, i have to agree 7 years is way too short.
even though he felt remorseful of what he did, at least 15 years is what he should get.
If i happen to see him again,i will reformat his bones and squeeze his blood dry simultaneously.
Look at his face,what a loser,his nose needs to be torn apart from his face by my fingers. I want to show him what inhumane is all about. Sometimes,you just got to punish someone by your own hands.Let's see if he dares to come out from jail.

hahaha. how are you going to reformat his bones and squeeze his blood dry? just let those prison inmates ramm him inside out.
or maybe he should get the punishment in casino royale.
where daniel craig was naked and was tied to a chair and sat on the cut-out seat.

worst than caning i would say.
He should be sentenced to death, this is murder. Are the laws too soft? I believe in the near future Singapore would be like USA, just jailing killers instead of sentencing them to death [At the rate this goes].

Lol singapore so small, If so many Jailers No space... PAP would have to kill people who deserve to live to feed these morons in jail..
I think he'd be gunned down if this happened in the States...
He probably deserves it anyway. What's wrong with people nowadays?!
The loser should be hanged by his balls and tickled with feathers till he dies.

Easier way is to just kill him by hanging him.

Same like Took whatever whatever his name, who killed Huang Na.

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