JC or Poly

but for the slacker type (read: me), too bad. heh. jc is a great choice if you don't know what to do with your life!
u'll be wasting ur money if u have no plans and jump straight to JC and then not get scholarship for uni or go to poly or anywhere else! haha. ahh i dont make sense. ah well, produce results before we talk eh.
Vaiyen said:
Isn't it even harder to get to an american Uni from poly?

non muggers usually don't do very well :lol: eg. me :lol: poly..kind of because its between a tertiary institution whereas jc is regarded as senior high school. but overall american universities consider a lot of factors, grades alone will not get you anywhere. they place heavy emphasis on cca, outside involvement, testimonials and of course the essay that you write when applying for entry really carries the most weight. you manage only borderline passes and still get into some of the best schools there depending on whether you can prove to them you deserve a place in that school eg. someone who screws up all his exams but proves he has a flare for business can still get into some of the best business schools.
for me after army im leaving this country so woohoo! :lol: :lol: screw up a levels nevermind as long as i get a very nice SAT score and some cca achievements and good testimonials
I heard that the local universities have relax their admission intake for students with a diploma as compared to a few years ago.

Anyone care to shed some light on it? One of my choices is to continue with Real Estate Business by pursuing a degree at NUS in it after I've got my diploma.
Lols. Very enlightening, this thread.. Oh well, I guess we all just gotta mug hard, get our results and then review the possibilities of our future. lol.
well im a so-so mugger lag. for the humaities i have no choice but to mug. but as for the science and maths subjects as long as i know the basic theory, i usually get an A. im certainly sick of all that mugging. and i know poly isnt "the easier route" but it certainly sounds more relaxing. anything else i shud know besides the university admission? btw, wats the life sciences course like in poly?
well im a so-so mugger lah. for the humanities i have no choice but to mug. but as for the science and maths subjects as long as i know the basic theory, i usually get an A. im certainly sick of all that mugging. and i know poly isnt "the easier route" but it certainly sounds more relaxing. anything else i shud know besides the university admission? btw, wats the life sciences course like in poly?
from what i heard, we gotta get rid of the misconception of poly being more relaxed.. i think it's just the fact that poly doesnt have class teachers running after you etc and giving you detention. blah blah. think it's more of your own responsibility? haha. like if you slack off in poly, you've only got yourself to be blamed for the bad results etc. haha. as for JC, it's pretty similar to sec sch to a certain extent.

ahhhh. but JC's system would be different starting next yr. bleh. everchanging education system. it's messing up my brain. :\
^^exactly! project work and cip hours are no longer considered for university admission!! i cant believe i went through so much trouble for it, while the next few batches of jc students dont need to.
haha. chill! (:

but all these everchanging education systems are really screwing my mind up. I'm just totally confused.
hey.. if u from.. sec going to poly.. u feel.. that u wish the lecturer would teach u more into details and give u remedial.. it like indeoendent learning.. the lecturer is to GUIDE U most of the time.. so u gotta learn most of the stuff.. :) they still teach but confirm cannot understand.. hahaha.. yeah.. but JC is more freedom with the sch rules/ time table/ tutorial.. :)
JC hard lah.. it like IT A MUST U TO GET A DEGREE IF NOT UR CERT is useless lah.. hahaha.. esp in SG.. :) so if u plan to go JC u must have a long term view of ur life.. :) and the commitment and interest to study,..
yeah. and its not as hard to get into uni from the poly path now. thats what i read somewhere. :\ haha. anyhoos, it's a tough decision. it affects the rest of our future! haha. seriously la.
yeah not that tuff.. and beside u can always go overseas to study.. and overseas U the exams are easier compare to SG.. :) lolx.. so that y many foreinger/sg go overseas to study.. lol.. and alos sometime SG has no space for ppl that y...

poly is 3 yrs.. JC is 2 hrs.. best if u wan go U.. u go.. JC.. but if u wan to take it slow and steady.. maybe poly.. :) and if u wan go poly for 2 yrs.. go private.. it is 2 yrs.. :)
i was in a poly, began slackin off at da end of my 1st yr..repeated some subjects, totally lost interest n i dropped out, officially a PhD (poly-halfway dropout). but den i decided to pursue my interest in music, so, tried la-salle, surprisingly i got in, now waitin 4 sch to start, decisions are neva easy to make. gotta think hard, if not u'll waste $$