Jason Becker at 16..


covering Black Star in high school. thats the equivalent of sec 4.


firstly.. 8O

love the start when he turns up his amp,a teacher comes over and tells him to turn down and he's like "what? ok whatever" and bumps it up even louder.
and look at the amp he's playing through....proof that they dont make peavey amps like they used to.
Yeah I've seen that video, Jason Becker really is some kind of god. I love his music and I hope he recovers from his illness one day. He was really manly for a 16 year old wasn't he? Full beard and all...
This is nice man... Actually I WOLS.. I dont know who Jason becker was.. Keep seeing the name and thought he's from Becks or something like tt...

He looked charismatic when he was young.. Got the SEI... 8)
Detroit, thats really disrespectful. Jason's a true blue musician who combined shred with intense and intricate melodies during the era of mindless shredding. If you are talking good shred, he's the one.
He's not retarded. His brain is still functioning well, and his mind is still clear. Just that the disease he got afflicted with kinda paralysed him to the point that his body is hard like a rock. He was still maintaining a personal website last time (dunno about now). Read an interview about him some years ago. Still alive and well.
ShredCow said:
Detroit, thats really disrespectful. Jason's a true blue musician who combined shred with intense and intricate melodies during the era of mindless shredding. If you are talking good shred, he's the one.

too bad he's physically disabled now
Becker totally pawns!I love the time when he was in Cacophony with marty.It was awesome.He so good at such a young age.I wonder how he would end up if he is still playing now. Total pawnage.
Jason Becker is indeed a good player but i wouldn't say that his shredding was the best thing that he did. U know his sweep picking licks were much more awesome. I'm not saying he did a bad job on shredding because his shredding was also as awesome but not as phenomenal as his sweep arpeggios. Take a listen.
those who talk the talk must be able to walk the walk, you critisize becker, show us that you can play just as well if not better, if not you can shut the fcuk up. :lol:
i watched this before.. but oni the front part. Today I watched til the end.. gosh, the ending is superbly fast.... 8O